Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Dondé es el subjunctive

Dondé es el subjunctive



I have just completed Rocket Spanish premium plus and I was feeling positive. However, two verb conjugations have not been addressed.One is the present perfect e.g He comido I have eaten etc.Which seems simple to master. However, the other is the subjunctive which looks massive and has me worried. How important is this mood to learn? Is it used a lot in normal conversation in Spanish? Is it in Rocket Spanish platinum? Can someone help me with this?


Hola John, Rocket Spanish was my restart to learning Spanish after many years and I think it is a great program. However it does not address many tenses and the subjunctive is indeed massive and important. Learning Spanish Like Crazy delves into tenses better. I bought LSLC after completing level two of Rocket and refer to both and others. The Dorothy Richmond book on verb tenses, Breaking out of Beginners Spanish by Joseph J Keenan and English Grammar for Students of Spanish were recommended on this forum and are very helpful regarding tenses .I am gradually learning the subjunctive which is referred to as "The Twilight Zone" in the Keenan book. Saludos , Rich


Hola Rich, Muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Intentaré sus suposiciones. I remember the TV programme "The Twilight zone" well. I thought the preterite was difficult enough. Never mind. Estudiar español es para toda la vida. Hasta próxima vez. John


Hola John, De nada. De acuerdo contigo estudiar español es para toda la vida y tambien, es bueno para la mente y el corazon. Buena suerte con español. Saludos, Rich


My first language was spanish. Once i started school when i was 5 years old, it was English always. At home of course spanish but slang spanish. I am not 20 years of age and find it difficult to translate OB/GYn information to patients. Please help!

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