Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar El curso es enseñada por la Profesora Ramírez.

El curso es enseñada por la Profesora Ramírez.



Shouldn't this be: El curso es enseñado por la Profesora Ramírez.
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

No se. I'll ask Diana.


I think you are right, Steven. It looks like it should the the participle of enseñar, which would be enseñado. And participles are not modified for gender, right? I just finished this lesson a week or two ago and remember the phrase, but missed the error. I do recall noticing the feminine form la profesora and thinking it was a female professor.


Hola a todos, Off hand I'm not familiar with which lesson this is from. In the audio is it enseñada or is the discrepancy only in the written part? Participles do change in gender when being used as adjectives but this is not the case here so I guess it's a typo. If it is enseñada in the audio I haven't a clue as to why. Saludos, Ricardo


Ricardo: It is in lesson 11.11. And the audio does in fact say enseñada, not enseñado. Dan


Hola Dan, Well as I said I don't have a clue and if it is correct, I sure welcome an explanation. There was an audio error when Carmen was conjugating a verb that was pointed out by a student about a year or so ago and maybe this is another one? Saludos, Rich


Hola a todos, After some research, including a couple of translation sites which I know can be questionable at times, I think ( emphasis on "think") it is a mistake. Saludos, Ricardo


Thanks, all, for your participation here. What I suspect is that Mauricio is native bilingual Spanish - English (meaning that both languages could be considered his native tongue). There is a very slight downside to this (we should all be so lucky!) in that there will be errors that he will not catch that a monolingual person would spot immediately. Just a thought.


Hola! For me it should be "enseñado", the course, "el curso", is masculine, if we change "curso" for, let's say "la clase", then it would be "enseñada". Saludos!
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Diana said that it is also o rather than a. I looked at the lesson "por" and "para". The two examples before the sentence in question follows the gender of the subject.

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