Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar El curso es enseñada por la Profesora Ramírez.

El curso es enseñada por la Profesora Ramírez.



Apologies if I've asked this question before, but this phrase bothers me and I just saw it on the test. Shouldn't it be "enseñado" as it is "el curso"?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Diana said that it should be Ensenado (enye). The sentence could stand on its own without por la Profesora Ramirez. I am never sure just because there are so many exceptions to the rule. Thanks for the question.


Hi Steve Yes, it is enseñado, since " el curso" is masculine! Saludos!
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Just be sure to report it. So it could be modified. I'm sure they will appreciate it.


Thanks, Cristian, Aurora. This phrase occurred in the new test and there is no provision there for sending in a correction. If I come across it again in the lessons, I will be sure to flag it to RS.


If the phrase appeared in a module test, then it is most likely in one of the previous lessons that the module test uses to randomly select items. Good luck finding it.

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