El Sol No Regresa



Sueños de habitación en un hotel de carretera
Y unas gotas de lluvia que guardo en esta maleta
Ruedan por el colchón de mi cama ya desierta
Es la mejor solución para el dolor de cabeza.

Here is a case where I understand every word but have no idea what is being communicated. The rest of the song makes perfect sense - it's just this part...


I am afraid that I cannot shed any light on the meaning.

When I first read it I thought it might be a really booze-soaked Spanish interpretation of Bob Seger's "Turn the Page."


Sounds sad.  Maybe it is not supposed to make sense.  Just convey a mood. 


Hola amigos!

Steve, I also understand the whole meaning of this song, but this part might be the most difficult to understand, not by the words or the lyrics, but mainly because it might hide some metaphors.

It does seems like she is in a journey or a trip (it might refer to her life) and that is why she carries a luggage with "drops of rains" that 'run over her deserted matress/bed" which might mean that she Is alone, or in other words, that the person who shared that bed with her is no longer there, in the "road motel". Everything makes sense...but the real difficult part is the last phrase...it does rhyme well with the rest, but, I dont get how you can "relief a headache" by doing all that I've mentioned before...

In short, I'm left with this last sentence, If I find something on the web I will share it with you, the rest, well, I think it is much clear now.

Dan, now I can't take "Turn the page" out of my mind, same as "El sol no regresa" hahaha...though I'm more familiar with the Metallica version (since I am a metalhead).!

Saludos amigos!


I'm impressed Dan that you could pick up from those lyrics that the song is booze soaked. It is...

Hace días perdí en alguna cantina 
la mitad de mi alma mas el quince de propina. 
No es que sea el alcohol la mejor medicina...

The  theme of the song is basically: "the tequilas chase the clouds away but the sun doesn't come back". 


So here is a story to make you envious then, Christian: My son used to be friends with the cousin of the bass player in Metallica. So whenever they played near where we lived, he got to watch the show from backstage and hang out with Metallica afterwards.


Hahaha Thanks Dan, your son was very lucky then!.

"But here I am, on the road again, there I am, up on the stage 
Here I go, ah playing star again, there I go, turn the page"!

I can't take the song out of my head hahaha!


I know what you mean, Cristian. My BS favorite is "Like a Rock." Seger gave the rights to use that song to Chevrolet during the darkest days of Detroit. I still love hearing it.


Thanks, Cristian, for those explanations (our last messages were posted simultaneously). I remember reading on one thread that some thought that the song writer had too much to drink while composing this portion of the song...


Es la mejor solución para el dolor de cabeza.

The headache
Hang over from the tequilas ?

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