El verbo disfrutar



En leccion 18.3; ¿Porque Alejandra utiliza el verbo disfrutar sin la preposición de? Por ejemplo, "Todo el mundo disfruta reventar la piñata." ¡Muchas gracias por su ayuda!




Hi Carol, I think this is just another example of how Spanish can say and mean the same thing several ways. I have heard and read examples of both using de and not using de. Therefore I assume both are correct and understood. Good Luck, Oscar


Im not up to that level yet but does this make sense?..... antes de comer = before eating antes como = before I eat


antes de comer is before eating, but antes como is not used.


Hola! Even if "antes como" is not used typically it is still correct, but it sound more "poetic"...anyway regarding the original question you have todo remember that "De" has a lot of meanings and normally goes before the verb "disfrutar" but in thi case "el mundo" the world enjoys hitting the piñata you have several options yo express the same idea (as Oskar pointed out) If you want yo use "de" the phrase changes to "Todo el mundo disfruta de romper la piñata". Saludos desde Tijuana, México

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