Entiendo y Comprendo



Today I realized that both "entiendo" and "comprendo"  mean about the same thing: "I understand." Can you use each in Latin America and Spain? Or, as with "tomar" and "beber," does the phrase you use vary between countries?
Por ejemplo:

Mi perra no gusta usted o sus hombres, comprendes? or
Mi perra no gusta usted o sus hombres, entiendes? 


Good question. It seems likes in western movies, you always hear "No comprendo, gringo" - or something to that effect. In the various courses that I've followed however, I only hear "No entiendo" - comprender I haven't seen used really. Or at least I can't remember seeing it.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can weigh in on this.


I think they both mean the same thing but "entender" seems to be used when discussing whether we understand words where as "comprender" is used to discuss whether we understand a concept.  I think it is similar to the difference between "to understand" and "to comprehend" in English, though that is a bit of a stretch.


Ah!  At least everyone will understand both. This helps. Thanks:)!

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