es or eres



In lesson 1.4 / flash cards has “es muy amable" for (you) are very kind.  Shouldn't the translation be (tu) eres muy amable?



They don't do that in the Spanish translations. They do that in the English translations since the “you” wouldn't be typically said in Spanish (thus “es muy amable” but it is in English, so they add in the (you) to tell the English speaker to conjugate the verb in second person informal, but don't use the tú,  Sometimes they write “You are very kind” in that case, you do have to respond “Tú eres muy amable”.


BTW, you have to be careful with the tilde (what a lot of Americans call the accent mark). You used “tu" which means “your" vs “tú” which means “you". They sound identical, so when speaking or listening you have to use context to know which one is being used.


Good luck as you continue your journey!



Hola a todos,


As Scott said the pronoun is implied , understood, in the conjugation in Spanish, unless needed for clarification or emphasis. “ (Tú) eres muy amable”.

Depending on the context,  “es muy amable" could be ( Él, Ella, Ud. )" es muy amable".







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