I've noted several times in this particular lesson the "estar - ser" combination in the same phrase. Normally I would think of "estar aburrido" - not "ser aburrido". Is there a rule in Spanish where the combination "estar - estar" in the same phrase is not used?
¡Está prohibido ser aburrido!

August 9, 2014

August 9, 2014

August 9, 2014
Steven, I'm not sure about any rule, but in the example you used, estar aburrido would mean to be bored, a description of how someone is at the moment,
while ser aburrido would mean to be boring, an essential characteristic of a person.

Ava Dawn
August 9, 2014
I think the "estar" one is I am bored right now. The "ser" one is I am a boring person, more permanent one. Or maybe I don't understand the question.

August 9, 2014
I can't see where there would be a rule about using or not using both "to be" verbs in the same sentence. I would think it would be driven by the context of the sentence.
El hombre es borracho, y él está borracho ahora.

August 9, 2014
Hola a todos,
No rule to my limited knowledge. In other resources, and Cristian may have said this also, sometimes estar and ser can be an either or situation. I can't think of an example or explain. I read the sentence as: It is forbidden to be boring!

Ava Dawn
August 9, 2014
¡Está prohibido ser aburrido! ¡It is prohibited for you to be a boring person
Está prohibido estar aburrido!- It is prohibited for you to be bored
¡Es prohibido ser aburrido!- Ingeneral, it is prohibited to be boring
Can someone talk about this. I'm interested. I discussed this with Diana

August 9, 2014
Hola Aurora,
Not sure I can say anything about this other than all of it seems correct to me. In the original sentence "person" is implied and has you have shown, aburrido can be bored or boring.

August 10, 2014
Here is the context of the original phrase along with the translation:
"En especial si vas a estar en Sudamérica por esas fechas. ¡Está prohibido ser aburrido!"
"Especially if you are going to be in South America for these dates. It's prohibited to be bored!"
From what I'm understanding here, there is no general rule: just an "either - or" situation. Thanks for all the comments.