Está who?



¡Hola mi amigos! I have a question...Okay, if está is the "he, she, it" form of estar, why do you still have to add the él or ella before it? For instance: "She is eating" (Ella está comiendo). Está means "she is' in this sentence, right? Is the gender not implied by context? Would it be appropriate to say "Está comiendo" if everyone in the conversation knew who "está" was? Sorry if it sounds like a rant, lol!! Just tryin' to put it all together. ¡Gracias de antemano!


I think they teach you to write/say it just as a clarification and a way to make sure that you know which conjugation goes with pronoun. However, if everyone is aware of what gender/who you are speaking about I think it is ok to leave it off. It's kind of like how you drop "Yo" and "Tú" after awhile. When I was living in Mexico it was common for someone to refer to someone else without using pronouns.


Thanks I.E.! yeah, the "yo" and "tu" were exactly what I was thinking of when I asked that question. I've also seen it phrased where the "está" is left off and only the gender is used. That stands to reason since that conjugation of the verb means "ing" and the "is" is implied. I'm just trying to find that middle ground between the "proper" and the "street" way of saying things. Regards! T63


Es and está can refer to él, ella, y usted. So, as was stated, establish to which gender you are referring. Also, you will learn that él, ella, and usted can be replaced by direct and indirect object pronouns, if you haven't learned it already. Your questions were great. I like it when people make me have to think about things.


Thanks James! If you like thinkin' just hang around! lol!! I come up with some questions outta left field! I think part of the problem is that I'm trying to "Americanize" the Spanish language, and our rules don't apply. Just when I think I've got a word all wrapped up and figured out, I hear another use for it that doesn't fit my logic at all. I'm lovin' this stuff, though!! Regards! T63


Hola amigo! Puedo ver que te gusta Speedy Gonzalez!!! cool! haha As a native spanish speaker, i can tell you that, unless you are pointing to the person/ animal / object that is doing the action(verb) or if it is in the context (for example we are talkinga bout my dog, for an hour and suddenly i say "está comiendo").....just saying :."Está comiendo!" would still raise some questions, of "¿Quién (está comiendo)?(who is eating?) so i will totally recommend you to use it at the beginning and later, maybe and depending on the context, you can avoid it!!! Saludos desde México!!!! arriba arriba ayyyy aay ayaya (Speedy Gonzalez) hahaha.


Lol!! ¡Hola Christian! ¿Qué está pasando? Estoy alegre te gusta mi Speedy. !Hahaha!!¡ Muchas gracias por tu respuesta a mi pregunta! siempre es bueno recibir recomendaciones de un hablante nativo. ¿Es Oca un ciudad en Mexico? Me pasé un montón de tiempo en Juárez, mientras yo estaba en el ejército, estacionado en El Paso, Texas. ¿Es Oca cerrar a alli? T63


Whats up T63! SI me gusta el Speedy! me da mucha risa!. De nada, me alegra poder ayudar!!! Oca is actually the name of a bird, in english would be "Grey Goose"...and no, Oca is not really a city in Mexico! at least not that i know of (there is a place called Montes de Oca in Spain i believe). So my last name (a composed last name) means "The Grey Goose Hills" or something similar! Yes! Monte means Hill, Montes, its the plural form ;) I also live in the border, but with California (Tijuana-San Diego) Saludos hermano Speedy!


¡C.M.O! ¿Qué está pasando, G! Lol!! Lo siento por el malentendido con tú nombre, mi amigo! Pensé esa Oca es donde tú vivo! Como pulg, Christian Montes FROM Oca? Lol! Vas a tener que disculpame. ¡Estoy aprendiendo todavia! No sé si mi español está haciendo ningún sentido. ¿Serás tan amable de contestar con correcciones si sueno como un idiota?! Lol!! ¡Hasta la próxima, Holmes! T63


Hahaha nada hermano, nada! well i will make the corrections, which, by the way are just minor, i understood 99% of what you wrote (expect for the "Como pulg" what do you mean? haha), so, keep up the good work! MUY BIEN!! :P "Pensé que Oca es el lugar donde tu vives" "No sé si mi español esta haciendo algún sentido" (in english we say "makes no sense" in spanish we say "is it making (any) sense" (e.g ¿tiene sentido lo que digo?) Y no!, no suenas como un idiota! (no, you dont sound like an idiot!) haha! Idiot is the one who never tries or is afraid of asking for the fear of getting the answer wrong, but you tried your spanish and it worked! and all the minor mistakes, well, you probably wont do them again ;)! Hasta la próxima amigo! cuídate! Saludos desde México!!!! ;) Cris!


¡Hola Christian! Okay ... In English! lol!! Thanks for the corrections! Yeah...I wasn't sure about "como pulg" when I wrote it. I was trying to say "as in" but I had never seen or heard that phrase used in Spanish, so I Googled it. That's what it came back with. What would be correct? Como en, maybe? Are you a moderator or Instructor for the course? And If so, do you mind all these questions? Just curious. I noticed your heading says "spanish novice" and, you being a native speaker, that doesn't make any sense. lol! Anyway... !Gracias por todo, Dude! T63


Hola! Yes, the correct form would be "Como en..." (as in) And no im not a moderator nor instructor for the course, and im not a spanish novice i ve been speaking spanish since i was born jajaja IM MEXICAN!! :P maybe i havent changed the profile...and by the way im trying to learn some german and french, that is why im here in ROCKET!, but i like to help people with spanish, since its my native language!!! And i dont mind all the questions!! if i did, i wouldt answer them hhahaha!! De nada dude!! Cris!


¡C! ¡Hola mi buen amigo! Gracias por tú respuesta a mi pregunta. ¡Me encanta aprendiendo nuevo palabras! It's like playing a video game, and every new word takes you to another level! (no sé cómo decir todo ese en español lol!!) Creo que es genial que tú vienen aquí a ayudar. Yo no sabía que era possibe para ir a otros foros. Me gustaria hacer eso tambien. !Hasta la próxima mi hermano T63!


Hola T63!! It is possible hahah! as you have noticed already! Well im glad that you enjoy learning spanis (which by the way is "Me encanta aprender nuevas palabras" or "Me encanta estar aprendiendo nuevas palabras", yes the word "palabra" is femenine, so the "nuevo" changes to "nuevas"). And about the phrase it would be something like "Es como jugar un videojuego, y cada nueva palabra te lleva a otro nivel" Hasta la proxima hermano! saludos desde México!


¡Hola mi hermano! ¡Sí! ¡Entiendo y gracias! Tengo problemas para recordar los adjetivos femeninos. Gracias por todos las correcciones! Yo aprender muy mucho en esta manera. Por favor, SIEMPRE me dicen cuando digo algo incorrecto. lol!! ¡Hasta la próxima mi amigo! T63


Hola T63!!! "Yo aprendo mucho de esta manera" and "Siempre dime cuando dia algo incorrecto" :D thats all!" ;) Todo lo demás esta correcto!

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