¿En serio? ¿No crees que estemos muy viejos para eso? Is "estemos" from the verb estar? Can someone conjugate "estemos". Is this in present tense?

Ava Dawn
September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014
Hola Aurora,
Yes, it from estar and it is the first person plural (nosotros) in the present subjunctive. You can find a full conjugation of estar at the link below. Look in the menu and click on conjugation.

September 5, 2014
Yes, I think this is the present subjunctive conjugation of the verb estar.

September 5, 2014
Let me add from the Internet:
Present subjunctive (presente del subjuntivo): que yo esté, que tú estés, que usted/él/ella esté, que nosotros/as estemos, que vosotros/as estéis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas estén

Ava Dawn
September 6, 2014
So it's present subjunctive. I thought it should be estoy estas esta estamos estais estan. Back to the drawing board for subjunctives. I thought I knew the subjunctive from "Tengas buen dia". I guess not.

September 6, 2014
Hola Aurora,
The subjunctive, which has many "moods" or "tenses" is something that took me a great deal of time to understand and I review it often as it continues to challenge me. I try to create sentences using the subjunctive and every other tense: creating them in my mind, and speaking them aloud, either to myself or to our dog. I've been teaching him Spanish, and he is now bilingual and speaks Spanish better than I do. To be serious, the subjunctive is very important in Spanish, though it can be quite illusive, it certainly was for me. When you start to get a handle on it, it's very rewarding.

September 6, 2014
Very rewarding - absolutely. The subjunctive tenses in Spanish allow you to express very subtle nuances in feeling and relationships well beyond what we can in English. I found listening to Latino music a great way to pick this up.