I am reviewing to take the module tests and found this sentence. Is this correct?
Espero que no estés cansado. I hope that you are not tired.
Estes (accented second e) vs estas (accented a)

Ava Dawn
December 17, 2014

December 17, 2014
Yes, that is correct. "I hope" triggered the subjunctive tense: estés.

December 17, 2014
Well, after thinking about this a little bit more (as I was driving), I believe that either form is correct. I think the subjunctive form conveys more uncertainty.

December 17, 2014
Hola a todos,
It requires the subjunctive.

December 17, 2014
Good, my initial recollection was correct. I was getting a little bit fuzzy about this. I gather if I want to say "I hope I'm not tired", I could do so with the infintive: "espero no estar cantado" as well as the subjunctive form "espero que yo no esté cantado".

December 17, 2014
Hola Robert,
Here is a video that will explain things regarding the present subjunctive. Note early in the video that it isn't used when speaking about yourself. Somehow "espero no estar cansado" doesn't seem right or natural to me. I think it should be "espero no voy a estar cansado hoy, manaña etc. Espero with the infinitive: Espero vivir en España, espero ganar la lotería etc.

Ava Dawn
December 18, 2014
¿Why not espero que vivas en Espana (enye) and why not espero que ganes la loteria (accented I)?. I was listening to the first couple of subjunctive videos and have the consolation that subjunctive is considered advanced Spanish.

Ava Dawn
December 18, 2014
I just checked my email and there is Mauricio encouraging me to go to lesson 15.6 at the Platinum level. Lo and behold, it is all about subjunctives. It is explained very well.

December 18, 2014
Good call. I think it's a bit premature to get too involved with the subjunctive before you hit the Platinum course (where it is hit quite thoroughly).

Ava Dawn
December 18, 2014
Thanks guys!