I've become a bit disappointed in the last lesson or two, I have encountered three clear (according to my other references) and repeated grammar errors. Two of them, I have already posted on -- Mas que vs. Mas qué, and Como vs. Cómo. Now a third one regarding use of subjunctive. I very much appreciate this course, but learning becomes much more difficult when I can't have confidence that the examples I'm seeing are correct. Both of the following sentences seem to be clear cases in which subjunctive should be used. I know that subjunctive isn't covered until later, but my previous study has acquainted me with it. And I have already seen it used in your previous lessons when it was called for. The sentences in 12.2 are:
- Qué felicidad que Mario tiene novia. (tenga vs. tiene)
- Es bueno que la novia de Mario viene con nosotros. (venga vs. viene)