What I would like to happen is for someone to ask something in English and someone else will translate the question in Spanish and also answer the same question in Spanish. I would like to start. There is a lesson about Chilean writers. Who is your favorite (author/poet/writer), any nationality and your favorite quote? Mine is this Chilean poet that said "La risa is el lenguaje del alma".
Favorite author/poet/writer

Ava Dawn
March 22, 2014

March 23, 2014
Me gustaría por alguien preguntar algo en Inglés y una otra persona traducirlo en español. Me gustaría comenzar. Hay una lección sobre escritores chilean. ¿Quién es su (autor, poeta, escritor) favorito en cualquiere nacionalidad? ¿También, cuál es su citas favoritas? A mi, me gusta este poeta Chilean le dijo "The smile is the language of the soul".
Aurora, I like your idea. This lesson can help us practice writing but also translating the Spanish words. This has the opportunity for all of us to think in Spanish versus attempting word for word translation. Tell us how you would like this to proceed from here. I am certain that my words (including the Spanish to English translation) may have errors.

March 23, 2014
El poeta Chilean se llama Pablo Neruda, ¿no? Estoy leyendo el libro se llama "El Soñador", historias de la infancia de Neruda.
(Please correct my grammar where needed.)

March 24, 2014
Hola a todos!
Muy buena idea Aurora! I have noticed that your last name is Aguilar, it is a very common surname here in Mexico and it comes from Aguila, EAGLE!.
Y si, Dan, la frase es del escritor chileno (chilean in spanish) Pablo Neruda, su nombre verdadero era Ricardo Neftalí Reyes.
No tengo un autor favorito, debo admitir que no leo tanto como debería pero conozco al escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez y el mexicano Juan Rulfo. Otros famosos son, por ejemplo, Miguel de Cervantes (the spanish version of Shakespeare) y Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
Una frase de Gabriel Garcia es " Recordar es fácil para el que tiene memoria. Olvidar es difícil para el que tiene corazón"...Remembering is easy for those who have memory. Forgeting is hard for those who have a heart".
Next question? What is your favorite (Mexican/Latino) food?