i am new to the forums but feel as if i am doing well,however,do the spanish{not latin americans{get really offended if you do not use the formal terms i.i usted,if you have just met them,is this practice of formal/informal of such great importance,i only ask because the last thing i want to do is be offensive or ignorant to such lovely people,
muchas gracias mi amigos xxxxxxxxx mil besos xxxxxxxx :wink:
formal/informal uses in spain

July 1, 2007

July 3, 2007
Hola Maria,
And a big welcome to the Rocket Spanish Forum.
When it comes to being polite I think it is very important. Some people will expect you to use the formal terms with them and some may not, it's really quite hard to tell so I would strongly recommend you use the formal way of speaking to someone you don't know until that person gives you the leave to do otherwise, this usually happens when he/she starts referring to you a “tu” instead of “usted”, so keep your ear open for the change.
Good luck and all the best.

July 4, 2007
Buenos dias, Mauricio.
Gracias for your reply. It's good to know these things. I would rather be overly polite than appear as aloof or ignorant
Es muy amable,
Besos :P