Hola amigos,
I recently found this site by way of the Learning Spanish Like Crazy forum http://www.lacasarojas.com/?cat=201 Free video instruction available for the entire year of 2010. I started my studies with Rocket Spanish level 1 then 2. Recently, I purchased Rocket 3. Rocket Spanish was my steppingstone and is my touchstone . How do I love it? Let me count the ways. Learning Spanish Like Crazy would not be working for me without Rocket Spanish first. I go back and review all the time with everything I have available, Destinos etc. The lessons at lacasarojas are great for listening to conversation, review, reinforcement & much more. It starts out elemental, but give it a chance. It is into the 5th month so, there is a lot of catchup.Creo que éstos videos están muy útil y tambien muy divertido.
Free Video Lessons

May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010
Hola Rich. Estoy de acuerdo contigo. *La Casa Rojas* es un sitio muy útil y muy interesante. Aunque las lecciones al principio son para principiantes, creo que las lecciones actuales son útiles para todos que quieren aprender español. Y los maestros, Luis (de Perú) y Joan (de los Estados Unidos), son muy amables y graciosos. El sitio Web es *__http://www.lacasarojas.com/__*. Haz clic en "Free Spanish Video Classes Online."
For those who are just beginning, here's what the above message says:
Hi, Rich. I agree with you. La Casa Rojas is a very useful and interesting site. Although the lessons at the start are for beginners, I think that the current lessons are useful for everyone who wants to learn Spanish. And the teachers, Luis (from Peru) and Joan (from the United States), are very nice and amusing. The website is *__http://www.lacasarojas.com/__*. Click on "Free Spanish Video Classes Online."
Added note: Oops. I just re-read your message and saw that you give the direct link to the free classes. I think that may be better than the link I provided. Oh well....