Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar From lesson 2.9 Vas al trabajo los domingos

From lesson 2.9 Vas al trabajo los domingos



Vas al trabajo los domingos.

(You) go to work on Sundays.


Why not Vas a trabajar los domingos?

Trabajo seems like the yo form?



¿Van a casa?

Are you going home?


Shouldn't that be “Are they going home?”, … or does it depend on the context?
I guess you could use that with the ustedes form?





To add on to Alme's excellent explanations, I would add “Are they going home?” would be a correct tranlation of ¿Van a casa?.


Remeber “van” can mean plural “you go” (as mentioned above by Alme) but also can be “they go” as you suggested. Only way to tell is context or if you add in a pronoun. ¿Van ellos van a casa? or ¿Ellos van a casa? (I think both are correct).



¡Hola a todos!

Just hopping in to confirm that you're right, Scott_C: you can indeed say either ¿Van ellos a casa? or ¿Ellos van a casa? for “Are they going home?” (There was a double van in the first version in your post, but I think that was just a typo!)

It looks like Alme and Scott_C have done a great job of covering everything in their replies, Randal-dB, but if you still have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!



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