From the Travelogue 6.5



"No le pregunté qué va hacer para protegernos..."

Why isn't this "va a hacer"? 

Just curious if this is acceptable without the "a", or just a typo.  


I would think it has to be a typo. What does the audio say?


Yes, "ir" and its conjugations are always followed by the "a" as a verb of motion, ¿no?


I agree with Steven and Dan that this just doesn't sound right. 

KelllaurBailar didn't read or sound right to me either...

On another note, OH MY GOSH. This forum is nearly dead. I remember it practically hopping over a year ago. And I came back to peek and BOOM. Yikes. I still use Rocket occasionally (and will for Russian), but I have been at Duolingo (whose forum is also slowly on a decline). This makes me *so sad.* :(
I see that the same people remain here essentially, to help each other, but it seems the liveliness is gone. 

I remember being here in 2015 when I could hardly make a formidable sentence in Spanish. Those were the days...

Maybe one day.....

Meanwhile, I am now almost fluent in Spanish and intermediate in Russian, also at Ukrainian, Polish, and Portuguese. That *does* make me happy. I hope everyone is doing well :).



Thanks, everyone.   I do think it's a typo.  

 Steven, the audio is really difficult to discern.  Some of the recordings in the Travelogue are very fast, and I really can't tell.  I think "Va a hacer" or "va hacer" would not sound much different when spoken rapidly, particularly to a foreign ear.

I do have a couple more, if anyone wants to weigh in.  =)  These are all from the Travelogue 7.2

A)  Order of words on this one:
¿Qué tienes en mente exactamente? 
What exactly do you have in mind?
Could I say, "¿Exactamente qué tienes en mente?", or "¿Qué exactamente tienes en mente?  without sounding like the linguistic butcher of Seville?

B)  Little words drive me nuts.  

sobre cómo hacer esto de la forma más barata.
about how to do this the cheapest way possible.
Could I use "en la forma" instead of "de la forma"?

Tikal está cerca de la frontera con México.
Tikal is close to the border with Mexico.
Is"Tikal está cerca a la frontera de México" correct grammar? 
Does using "a" and "de" convey the same gist of the sentence?

Hola, buenas tardes. ¿Los puedo ayudar en algo?
Hi, good afternoon. Can I help you with anything?
Again, "con algo" instead of "en algo"?

I have trouble with the rote memorization requirement.  I want to say things in a different way, and then when I'm marked incorrect, I start questioning if the way I wanted to say it is truly incorrect, or simply not identical to the example in the lesson.


I asked my wife about this because they all seemed acceptable to me.  She said your variations were just fine.  That being said, she doesn't claim to be a grammar teacher or expert.  She's just a native speaker that says you are completely understandable and to her you are not the butcher of Seville.  :D


Thanks, hefay, and thanks to your wife, as well.  
I may have mentioned I spent some time in Arequipa and southern Peru many years ago (1979, to be exact).  I have some great memories from my time there (sunrises over Mt. Misti, catching the micro to my favorite salchipapas and beer hangout), and a few scary ones (a 6.9 earthquake, being interrogated by the PIP for taking pictures of a military parade).  I used Arequipa as a base for a couple of months, and traveled from there for short trips to Camaná, Hilo, Tacna, and Arica, Chile, before heading east to the altiplano for several months.   It was about a six month trip, and I was just out of high school, so it was quite an adventure for me.  I did a lot of growing up on that trip.  


Sounds like some great memories.  I've felt a few small earthquakes here.   Two days ago I was laying on the couch and felt the whole building shake but my wife who was walking through the house didn't feel anything.  20 minutes later I was in the shower and heard a loud noise but didn't feel anything while my wife in the kitchen said the building was shaking.  lol


yademas: I agree with your comment about the little words. In fact,  the Spanish professor (native Spanish speaker but with flawless English) that leads a weekly conversation group has said that prepositions can be very difficult to get right.


And from the Travelogue 9.1 Back to Dry you see an error in these?

Hemos estamos en el sur el tiempo suficiente por ahora.
We’ve been south long enough for now.
¿Deber ser cierto entonces?
It must be true then?


Hemos estado​ en el sur el tiempo suficiente por ahora.

​¿Debe ​ser cierto entonces?


(Me encanta encontrar errores en las lecciones, aunque muchas veces, no estoy seguro si realmente son errores, por eso vengo aquí para preguntarles a ustedes).


Cuando uno encuentre errores en las lecciones, creo que significa que está aprendiendo. :)


Le había indicado ese error a Rocket Languages en el pasado. Me encanta también detectar errores en las lecciones pero ese es más grave  - se trata de una construcción  gramatical que uno puede mal aprender.


De veras Esteben.

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