ayudame por favor,
I am having a little trouble with some of the grammar. The problem is with the words "fui" and "fue." What do these words mean??? And how would you use them in sentences?
Gracias por todos
fue, y fui

August 5, 2008

August 6, 2008
Hola Anthony....
"Fui" basically means I went or I was.. yo fui...
Like in a lot of other instances when talking about yourself you don't always need to say "yo" to begin with, unless you want to add emphasis that you are talking about yourself...
Fui a una reunion - I went to a reunion
Fui al doctor - I went to the doctor
Fui al mercado hoy - I went to the market today
Fui a la playa con Mario - I went to the beach with Mario
Yo no fui - I didn't go, but a lot of the time is also used to say "It wasn't me" (Don't try to translate it as it will just confuse you)
"Fue" ion the other hand is used to say he went or he was or it was. El fue...
Fue a una reunion - he/she went to a reunion
Fue al doctor - he/she went to the doctor
Fue al mercado - He/she went to the market
Fue a la playa con Mario - He/she went to the beach with Mario
Fue ayer - it was yesterday
Quien fue? - Who went? - also used to ask "Who was it?" which the reply I always use is "Yo no fui" (it wasn’t me)... then I'll shift the blame with throwing a little... fue Anthony!!!!.. (it was Anthony)
Make sure you remember that in case someone is trying to blame you for something like..
Quien dejo la puerta abierta? – Who left the door open?
Quien quemo el pollo? – Who Burned the chicken?
Quien hizo eso? – Who did that?
Remember… YO NO FUI!!!!!
of course if it’s something good like…
Quien limpio la cocina? – who cleaned the kitchen?
I would say “Fui yo!” – It was me!
I hope that helps.