Gender of the noun orden



Hola a todos, The noun "orden" is interesting regarding gender. Todo está en orden. Everything is in order. Note the "todo", in this usage, "orden" is masculine. Una orden de tacos. An order of tacos. Note the "una", in this case it's feminine. Some other examples: por orden cronológico (m) una orden religiosa (f). I found this interesting and thought I'd pass it on. If anyone knows of other nouns that change gender depending on usage, please post. Saludos, Ricardo


Hi Rich!!! I've never noticed this before, or at least I did not put to much attention to it. And yes, we use it with 2 genders. El orden and La orden. The first one has to do with "putting things in the place they belong" , like a sequence and /or cronological things. "El orden de las cosas", the order La orden, on the other hand, has to do with , well, the same example with the tacos...Una orden de tacos, a religious order, or when someone orders you to do something, "la orden de mi capitán..." saludos!


Hola Cristian, Espero que estés bien y gracias por tu respuesta. Hay muchas cosas interesantes en el idioma hermoso español. Sigo aprendiendo y algún día me gustaría hablar con fluidez, esa es mi meta. Saludos, Ricardo

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