I've found a great resource for learning not only Spanish outside the Rocket Spanish program, but also about the Latin culture. It's used in college Spanish level I, II, and III classes.
*The book info is:
Dos Mundos Student Edition with Online Learning Center Bind-in Passcode
ISBN: 9780073046075*
_Book details: Based on the Natural Approach, Dos mundos stresses the use of engaging activities and interesting readings in a natural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. In this comprehension-based approach to learning language, the development of communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and grammar practice at the service of communication. The text is designed so that class time can be devoted to exposing students to Spanish through creative activities and readings, allowing grammar explanations and exercises to be studied outside the classroom. _
*There is also an accompanying cd for use on your computer. The ISBN is 0073049085 and it's called Student CD-ROM Program (Prepack) t/a Dos mundos (CD-ROM). *
Go to http://www.campusi.com and enter the ISBN number to search for it. This is the best website to purchase any books you might need.
The online learning center for the book has some great resources, and is helpful. You don't need the code to access it anymore. The web address is __http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072959258/student_view0/index.html.__
You can even access this today if you'd like.
Hope this can help you in your learning!
GREAT College Level Spanish Book - Used in many colleges

January 8, 2008

January 10, 2008
Hi Lanns,
Thanks for the great resource... but I think your last link does not work... gets me to an error page... but thanks anyway.

January 17, 2008
The problem is the period after html is being misunderstood as part of the URL. Try this.