Hola everyone,
How do I use the online keyboard provided by RL to make an uppercase letter on the "Write It!" test? Is there even supposed to be accented uppercase letter in Spanish?
Adios, hasta luego!
March 8, 2015
Hola everyone,
How do I use the online keyboard provided by RL to make an uppercase letter on the "Write It!" test? Is there even supposed to be accented uppercase letter in Spanish?
Adios, hasta luego!
March 8, 2015
I can type in uppercase letters by hitting the shift bar on my keyboard. However, I do not see how to create uppercase accented letters using their keyboard. You also use some sort of input method editor.
March 8, 2015
I don't use their keyboard personally. I find it easier to cut and paste the letters in from a notepad file.
Anyway, to access the accented letters, just hit the AltGr key.
March 8, 2015
I dropped points on one of the module tests because of this! I had to start a setence with an accented 'El' (he) but because I could not find the capital accented letter I started to doubt myself and decided when letters were capitals they lose their accents! Oops quickly realised I had completely made that up!!
March 8, 2015
I am a Mac user, and I have my keyboard set on the US International PC language so that I can easily type á, ñ, ¿ and ¡ characters.
System Preferences>Language and Text>Input Sources, uncheck whatever input source is checked, then check the US International PC box.
I assume there is a similar setup on Windows computers but I do not know what it is.
marieg-rocket languages
March 13, 2015
Ava Dawn
March 14, 2015
Marie, you are awesome. Thank you so much for your info.
March 14, 2015
March 15, 2015
March 15, 2015
March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
March 19, 2015