Can anyone tell me how to say I am going to miss a person, meaning that I am going to regret his or her absence? I have read that there are two expressions (extrañar and echar de menos) but I am not sure how to use them. For example, can I say "Voy a extrañar a mi hermano" if he is going to live in another country? And if I write to him, can I say "Te extraño mucho" in the present tense? Turning to the second expression, would the correct construction for these two examples be "Voy a echar de menos a mi hermano" and "Te echo de menos"? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
How do I say I am going to miss someone?

August 1, 2012

August 7, 2012
Hola Tango!
You expressions are 100% correct!
Probably the most common one will be "extrañar" but we also use "echar de menos" sometimes.
And to answer the first question, i am going to miss (a person), or regret his ior her absence, you can either just say "Voy a extrañar a X" , "Te voy a extrañar mucho", "Te voy a echar de menos" or "Te echaré de menos".
I hope this helps!
Saludos desde México!

August 7, 2012
Hola Cristian
Gracias por ayudarme otra vez.
Saludos desde Canadá!

August 14, 2012
De nada Tango
que tengas un buen dia!