Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar How to express I might or I would

How to express I might or I would



Please take a look at this phrase Si, yo fuera millionario,compraría una isla. Does this translate as 1. If I were a millionaire *I would buy* an island or 2. If I were a millionaire *I might buy* an island. If it translates as 1 then what is the Spanish equivalent of 2. If it translates as 2 then what is the Spanish equivalent of 1. Sal2 Nev


I should really wait until someone much more knowledgeable than I am gives you an answer, but I'd like to take a stab at it. If I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct me. I think "Si yo fuera millonario [note spelling], yo compraría una isla" is translated by your #1: "If I were a millionaire, I would buy an island." If you want to say "If I were a millionaire, I might buy an island," I think you may have to use a construction like *es posible que* or *puede que* with the imperfect subjunctive: "Si yo fuera millonario, es posible que yo comprara una isla." I hope that someone who knows a lot more Spanish than I do will help out here. :)


The Spanish conditional tense is translated at "would". Si yo fuera millionario, compraría una isla. = If I were a milllionarie, I would buy an island. See __ for a discussion of conditional tense.


Hello Anthony, Si yo fuera millonario, compraría una isla. Definitely means "If I were a millionaire, I would buy an island". Notice I've taken the coma in between “Si, Yo...” as in that case you would be saying "Yes, I was a ......" Anyway, if you wanted to say "*you might buy an island*" you would use the term "*a lo mejor*" which expresses uncertainty or the possibility of something... so the phrase would be: *Si yo fuera millonario, a lo mejor compraría una isla.* I hope that helps, Mauricio.


Mauricio, Thanks for clarifying. One thing though. Some research I have done indicates that the following would also indicate possiblity and hence would translate as I might buy Si yo fuera.......podría comprar una isla. Can you clarify where this is correct. Sal2 Nev


Wouldn't that mean, "if I were a millionare, I WOULD buy..." as opposed to "MIGHT buy"? The sentence you wrote, to me, seems to indicated that if you were a millionare, you definitely would buy an island. Si yo fuera, compraría un isla. If I were rich, I would buy an island. The inclusion of "a lo mejor", which means "maybe", would render the sentence, as Mauricio said: Si yo fuera un millinario, a lo mejor compraría un isla which could more litterally be translated as: If I were rich, maybe I would buy an island.


I'm learning a lot from this conversation. Can someone tell me whether the sentence I had suggested earlier--*Si yo fuera millonario, es posible que yo comprara una isla*--is another legitimate way to express the possibility that if I were a millionaire, I *might* buy an island? This uses *es posible que* with the imperfect subjunctive. Is that way off base?


I hadn't thought of that! From the examples of the subjuntivo (subjunctive mood) that I've commited to memory though, that seems to me like it would be legitimate. That would fall under the I for Impersonal expressions in U.W.E.I.R.D.O.


U.W.E.I.R.D.O. Excuse me for an off-topic response, but what does this stand for?


Hola bkdamon. It's not really an off-topic question. U.W.E.I.R.D.O. refers to a resource taalibeen found that helps with the subjunctive. You can find the discussion on the forum at __


Hola de nuevo, (Hello again) The sentence: "Si yo fuera... podría comprar una isla" mean "If I were... I could buy an island". This expresses the ability to buy the island but not the desire. Now... "Si yo fuera millonario, es posible que yo comprara una isla" this sentence does express the possibility or desire of buying an island but the meaning behind it is slightly different. Like in many Spanish sentences the way you say them, relates back to the intensity of your feeling... when you use "a lo mejor" it shows that you are really thinking about it. When you use "es posible" it also shows that you are thinking about it but in more of an offhand kind of way... I hope you guys know what I mean. Anyway, that’s something to think about, I may stand corrected, It’s just what I think.... Keep up the good work. Mauricio.


podría comprar: I could buy - I was looking right at it but somehow missed it until you, Mauricio, pointed it out. Gracias!


[quo]*Quote from * Mauricio Like in many Spanish sentences the way you say them, relates back to the intensity of your feeling... when you use "a lo mejor" it shows that you are really thinking about it. When you use "es posible" it also shows that you are thinking about it but in more of an offhand kind of way[/quo] Muchas gracias, Mauricio. This is _very_ helpful!


Mauricio, Remember in reality Podría is from the verb poder which in English means TO BE ABLE TO which as Mauricio pointed out indicates the capacity to do something i.e the ability. Hence in reality podría comprar means .....would be able to buy. Now my English grammar is not that HOT but I think that I could buy = I would be able to buy Comments and thoughts on this? Regards Nev


Is tis also correct? Si yo fuera millonario, talvez yo compraría una isla.


Hola Bill Memo, Correcto, pero es tal vez, dos palabras. Saludos, Ricardo


Gracias Ricardo!
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Wow! We got Mauricio in the conversation. This is awesome. Rocket Spanish is getting lots of activity. I hope we get more thoughts like this. If I were a millionaire, I would certainly buy an island in the Greek Isle.
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Oh Msuricio answered in April. Somebody just added a thread in August. Sorry, got too excited too soon.


Hola Aurora, Mauricio's answer was in April 2006. Neither he nor Amy have replied in years, but the rest of us students are here to help each other. Saludos, Ricardo

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