i just bought rocket Spanish about a week ago and i love it. i am currently in my 3rd year of Spanish at school but i never learned the speaking aspect of Spanish much.
so if anybody can please help me. when learning Spanish, my teachers have always taught me that the "v" in Spanish is pronounced like the "v" in English. but when i was listening to alot of conversions sometimes the "v" and "b" in Spanish sound exactly the same.
is there a difference in how they are pronounced?
how to pronounce "b" and "V"

September 24, 2011

September 25, 2011
I was taught that "v" and "b" are both pronounced "b".

September 26, 2011
muchas gracias.

September 28, 2011
De nada.

October 2, 2011
De Nada.. ( means ur welcome?? )

October 5, 2011
Hola WINDYRAIN....the expression "DE NADA" litterally means "for nothing" or something similar, but!!! IT IS USED AS A WAY OF SAYING "YOU ARE WELCOME"....
So when someone says "Muchas gracias" to you, you should reply "De nada" or "por nada" or "no hay porque"...etc!
Buen dia!

April 26, 2012
What is the difference between 'b' and 'v' in Spanish?

June 22, 2012
No difference, if you pronounce both like b you will be fine. Although from what i've heard and seen that is not quite right. Natives seem to pronounce both letters by formining their mouth as if you were going to say v, but then saying b instead of v. Kind of sounds somewhat between a v and a b.