how to use rocket language



how often should i go on rocket language? everyday or twice a week




Kyla: If you really want to learn another language, you need to work at it every day. It needs to become part of your day, just like sleeping, eating, working, and other important things in your life. My habit is to do my major study first thing every morning, then come back to it later on the day as I have time, sometimes a couple of times, for a lesser period of time. Sometimes those periods are "flipping through" my verb flashcards on Quizlet when I am waiting for a few minutes on someone or something. If I only studied twice a week I would not be nearly as far along as I am now. But that's just me.


I agree. You should put some effort in every day. I also use flashcards in Quizlet. However, I usually have one or two days a week where I devote more concentrated time.

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