Where am i at in module completion? When do i know when I've completed the entire course?
I can't figure out module I've completed. Corella Payne

May 22, 2023

May 23, 2023
You also have completed the course when you say you are done.
You can see progression of your Modules and Levels several ways.
In the Dashboard (you see the Levels to the left of the screen), when you open a Level (click on it if not already open) you will see the modules of that level. If the circle next to the module number is green, that means you have met the completion requirements. If you see a half green circle, you still have things to do. No color in the circle means you have not started the lesson.
In the Dashboard if you look further to the right, you will see each lesson with several circles there. Green means you have clicked most of or all of the exercise items are marked by you as “easy”, yellow/orange means a significant number are “good” and maybe some “hard” as well, and red means a significant number of exercise items are marked “hard".
Inside a lesson, you can see that lesson's progress on the left.

June 1, 2023
Hi TheresaT9,
Thanks for your post. Scott_C has already answered your question very well (as per usual, thank you Scott!), and so I just thought I would include a screenshot that shows where you can see your progress, and what it indicates. In order to “complete” a lesson, you will need to:
Interactive Audio Course:
- - listen to audio lesson
- - complete tests
Language and Culture Lessons:
- - read full lesson
- - complete tests

I hope that helps!