any suggestions or help would be much appreciated...
I can't roll my RRRRR's

February 9, 2007

February 9, 2007
Pick the links which apply to your case
It;s a matter of practise and never give up
There is a tread on this forum about it, but because the search function doesn't work ( at least HERE ) I can't find it
Have fun

November 21, 2007
A Colombian friend suggested I just say "por favor" out loud, over and over again, really emphasizing the r's. This has worked well for me.

November 22, 2007
Por favor is a good one to practice.
However, there is a big difference for your mouth between the R at the end , the R in the beginning, and the R in between other letters of words.
You should practice all of them.
However, it should not worry you too much, as it will come in time.
I promise you that, as I am teaching in asian countries, and they all have that problem
Good luck

your monkeys uncle
April 30, 2010
I just learned after months of not being able to do it. None of the techniques that others suggested helped me at all. Listen to a lot of people doing it and then just realize that they have their tongue touching the top of their mouth and are forcing air over top of it. To learn it I had to over do it to the extreme and practice putting my tongue in all types of different places along the top of my mouth. A lot of experimenting here. I long daily commute is helpful. Start by pressing very hard to the top of your mouth and blow out very hard. Really hard. Once you get the feel of your tongue flapping (it could be awhile and will likely be a happy accident) you can reign it in over time. Then try to make any noise at all while doing it. Then reign in the noise. For me it sounded extremely ridiculous at first and is now just kind of ridiculous, but gets a little better everyday. I looked it up and the only way it is impossible is if your tongue cannot touch the roof of your mouth. My first tongue flapping sounded like a kid pretending he was shooting a machine gun. Months of frustration before getting it. Thought is was going to be impossible.

October 10, 2010
I went from depressed about rolling R, to doing it in 1 day....
I am on a kick to learn Spanish. However I could not roll my Rs and it was really hurting my motivation to continue learning, especially thinking i could learn the language and never be able to really speak it. I tried all of the ladder-butter techniques and all this does in my opinion is to help you fake it better. I could do a sound that would go in a rolled r place and seemed to sound OK ...sounded like "thedrr" but was NOT a rolled R.
I searched hi and low and spent countless hours on Google looking for an answer. All the techniques did not work as I am very impatient and saw people on these blogs who have tried for years. I am way to impatient to practice something for weeks, much less years, without getting it. I started Google searching things like "it is impossible to learn to roll your Rs" to find people to say it was impossible so i could move on to something else.
Finally came across a YouTube video that I believed helped the most. Yesterday I started practicing making whatever noise i could by blowing air out and trying to vibrate my tongue any way i could hoping i could build some muscles that would eventually contribute to my rolling the R.
I tried all day and was blowing so hard i was getting dizzy. I just kept doing it and combined with the method on this video, vibrated the tongue a couple times...even though it didnt sound like an R. I kept doing this all day and my tongue was dead from all the misery i put it through. I kept trying through the night even though i could bearly move it. I was getting it to vibrate, better and better, even though many times even after i first got it, it was only air violently coming out. Once i finally got it to vibrate, i still could not make the right vocal sound, but if you can just get to the vibrating tongue part, you can tweak the voice part later easily.
Next day i woke up and tongue had time to rest. I was rolling the R within about 5 min of trying again. now i can do it on demand, although still have a ways to go to make perfect, especially using it in the middle of a word!
So IT IS POSSIBLE. I drove my wife crazy for a day and got dizzy about 50 times, but it worked. Here is the video i watched. My advise is to try hard..physically learning process was kind of violent. The entire process is all about air coming out and the end of tongue touching the roof of mouth just hard enough to make it vibrate. GOOD LUCK!

December 23, 2010
I can' do it well, but have found out for me, it is just the tip of the tongue against the upper gum ridge being vibrated by the air most of the time. When knowing ahead that Spanish is going to be used, I try to limber up the my stiff English tongue ahead of time because it doesn't like doing it without being limbered up first!

May 28, 2011
I will give a tip that i have been learning Spanish and i never knew how to roll my tongue....then once i started practicing spanish i accidently rolled my tongue! Now i know how to roll my tongue! :) you try it! it works for me and it should work for you! :)

June 7, 2011
A Cuban friend suggested doing the following oral exercise which is apparently used in the schools THERE to help the kids roll their r's:

June 15, 2011
I know it's easier said than done, but here's my two cents:
1) First, don't worry too much about rolling the R hard. Some Spanish speakers do but not all. In fact, English-speakers tend to overdo their R's when some are supposed to be softer. For example, "quiero" is better pronounced as kee-yed-oh (since Americans pronounce the D as R). The R at the beginning of a word is a little harder than in the middle of a word: radio vs quiero. But it is really not necessary to trill the R hard, except where it changes the meaning, as in caro vs carro or pero vs perro.
2) For the RR sound, see if this helps: curl the sides of the tongue a little bit against the inside of the top molars and curl the tip of the tongue backwards a bit toward the roof of the mouth right above the front teeth, basically forming a seal so that the air can only come out through the tip of the tongue. Then, keeping that curl, vibrate the tip of the tongue hard and continuously. The medium R is more of a release of the tongue as you say the R. With the RR, the tip of the tongue stays in that semi-curled position vibrating for as long as you can hold it, ten seconds or more--not that you would hold the RR that long but that you could because the movement is different. At first, only air may come out--like when you are learning to whistle. But with practice, you should be able to puRR like a cat, and enjoy it. Good luck.