Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar 'I will be' - is this an exception?

'I will be' - is this an exception?



I think I may be confused - in the second course the lesson 5.1 Carmen gives the future tense of 'I will be' as sera and specifically gives the ending as 'a'. I note that other verbs have the first person future tense ending in 'e'. Is ser an exception in the future tense first person singular?


Hola Arthur! You have made a very good analysis of the sentences. "I will be"...must be translated as "Yo seré"... Será (yes, with an accent), must be used in he or she..."Ella será" or "El será" I hope this clears it up! Saludos desde México!


Hola Cristian, Muchas gracias. That makes good sense. Saludos.


De nada Arturo! Estoy para servir! saludos desde México!

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