I think I may be confused - in the second course the lesson 5.1 Carmen gives the future tense of 'I will be' as sera and specifically gives the ending as 'a'. I note that other verbs have the first person future tense ending in 'e'. Is ser an exception in the future tense first person singular?
'I will be' - is this an exception?

October 15, 2012

October 16, 2012
Hola Arthur!
You have made a very good analysis of the sentences.
"I will be"...must be translated as "Yo seré"...
Será (yes, with an accent), must be used in he or she..."Ella será" or "El será"
I hope this clears it up!
Saludos desde México!

October 20, 2012
Hola Cristian,
Muchas gracias. That makes good sense.

October 23, 2012
De nada Arturo!
Estoy para servir!
saludos desde México!