I would rather



HOw does one express "I would rather ..... die than reveal my sources to you " I don not want to express say I would prefer ........> prefería I would rather is much more emphatic. Thoughts and comments welcome as always Nev


Hola Nev, "Preferiría" is unfortunately the word you would need to say this, and I can't really think of any other word to replace it, unless you want to change your phrase. Lets say...*"¡Me tendras que matar, no revelaré mi fuente de información!"* _You will have to kill me, I won't reaveal my information source_ Otherwise if you simply use *Prefiero* (_I prefer_) instead of *Preferiría* (_I would prefer_) adds a more dramatic effect to the phrase... I prefer to die!!!.... it even works in English. I hope that helps. Mauricio.

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