I felt like I was clicking right along until I got to the part about pronouns, DO, IO, etc. I haven't been able to do the Rocket Reinforcement in any of these because I'm NOT GETTING IT.
Has anybody else suffered through this and found their way out the other side? I feel permanently STUCK. Even trying to skip it for a while then come back later is a challenge because the program assumes "you've got this" when it starts throwing direct objects, etc. into conversations. I can understand the gist of it, but I can't get it right in reinforcement.
Has anybody else suffered through this and found their way out the other side? I feel permanently STUCK. Even trying to skip it for a while then come back later is a challenge because the program assumes "you've got this" when it starts throwing direct objects, etc. into conversations. I can understand the gist of it, but I can't get it right in reinforcement.