Indicative Perfect?



I am using Pimsleur at the same time as rocket. In Pimsleur they are using Indicative Perfect(he,has,ha etc.) at the beginner level. I cant find this tense in the Rocket advanced or beginners books. Why is this? Can someone tell me more about this tense such as how often is it used, where(countries) it is used most etc. :D


Hello, I can't tell you much about it, but only the following. I also listen to pimsleur every now and then. I asked one of my penfriends in Chile a simular question as what you asked. Why does the Pimsleur spanish sounds different than the Rocket Spanish His very short answer was: Stick with the Rocket Spanish if you want to come to South America Stick with the pimsleur Spanish if you want to go to Spain or talk Spanish in Europe. I can't tell you more . I speak Mauricio's Spanish, and the Philipine teacher in the local school has no problems whats-o-ever to understand me. That's good enough for me peronally I know I didn't answer your question, but I am almost certain that nohablo , talibeen or an other member will tell you soon something which makes more sense :lol: :lol: :lol:


Thanks for the reply Antonio. So you are saying that this form is used mainly in Spain and Europe? That is helpful since I am interested in spanish spoken in Mexico. The problem is that I finished the Rocket audio lessons a long time ago and don't know where to go next. Any advice regarding some more advanced audio lessons that will help me with latin american/Mexican spanish will be appreciated. :lol:


Learn Spanish Like Crazy seems to be a good one, as Mauricio himself had a special offer on it a few weeks ago May clubmembers also seem to think it is a good one. you can do a search with google Type in " spanish verbs " and you get a hell of a lot of links with FREE material, which can keep you busy for a while. The FREE grammar I pulled of the net will keep me busy for the next 3 years,. nb: I dislike grammar more than spinach, but my mother said..............!!


Before I came across Rocket Spanish I did 3 courses from I came across this tense in the Shortcut To Spanish Level 2 course. They are very inexpensive courses which I would highly recommend. I understand that this tense is used to express a completed action in the past. The he, has, ha relates to the verb haber - to have. So it can be used to say I have paid the bill - he pagado la cuenta or have you spoken with the doctor - ¿has hablado con el doctor? The 2nd verb has the ending - ado for -AR verbs or ido for -IR/ -ER verbs, tagged onto the stem. There are some irregular verbs thrown in like I have done/ said/ seen (he hecho, dicho/ visto so try and find a good tutorial to practice. It's very useful to be able to say I have done, have you been, he has had etc all using this tense. Also I believe this is used in South America. Good luck with it!


Thanks Princesa, Excellent and helpful reply. Glad to know this tense is used in Latin America as that is what Im interested in. :wink:


Level 1 of Learning Spanish Like Crazy also includes the present perfect tense, and pretty early on, as I recall. I mention this because LSLC focuses on Latin American Spanish.


Hello, I live in Mexico and in my first intermediate language class here we were taught the present perfect tense. It is used here.


I don't have the rocket course. Is it true that this tense is not covered in rocket? I have several Mexican friends and we use this tense all the time. Antonio, I'm just curious. You say you speak "Mauricio's spanish". How would you ask a friend if he had seen a movie? For instance, if you and a group of friends were talking about a certain movie and one of them looked a little lost, how would you say "you haven't seen it yet?". _ no la has visto todavia?_ Or if you come up to a friend that you haven't seen in quite a while, how would you say "how have you been?" _Como has estado?_ This tense is used so much in everyday speech, it's hard to believe that it isn't even covered in the rocket course. He trabajado aqui por cinco anos. Hemos vivido aqui por solamente siete meses. He estado estudiando espanol por casi un ano. Hace frio! Ya has puesto la calefaccion? El gusto es mio. No, el gusto ha sido mio. Por caunto tiempo has sido un estudiante de espanol? Que te han dicho? Por que no has lavado el carro ya? Porque no he tenido tiempo, he estado estudiando todo el dia.


I looked through the Rocket books and I cant find this tense. Also be aware that there are __*no*__ audio leesons that acompany the advanced book, only begginner level audio. In my opinion this is a great course for beginners but is a bit weak for more advanced students. I can tell you that after I finished the Rocket audio lessons, I was able to skip most of the Pimsleur level one and go straight to the intermediate level.


Hi, True. I agree that Rocket Spanish is a great course for beginners. I know of no other course that starts people out as well. My feeling is that someone should start with Rocket Spanish and then move to Learning Spanish Like Crazy. I learned more from Level 1 of Learning Spanish Like Crazy than I did from Pimsleur II, III, and Plus. I thought that Learning Spanish Like Crazy was more interesting and a lot more challenging. Of course, you can often get Pimsleur at your public library, whereas you have to pay money for LSLC, but if you have the money, it's money well spent.


" I learned more from Level 1 of Learning Spanish Like Crazy than I did from Pimsleur II, III, and Plus" Hi nohablo, This is quite a stellar endorsement. If what you say about LSLC is true, I need not spend any more time with Pimsleur( I got free anyway)but instead start LSLC immediately. Do you have any financial interest in promoting LSLC ? :lol:


[quo]*Quote from * True559 " If what you say about LSLC is true, I need not spend any more time with Pimsleur( I got free anyway)but instead start LSLC immediately. Do you have any financial interest in promoting LSLC ? :lol:[/quo] Hi, True. I wish I _did_! :D

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