Indirect Commands



In lesson 16.8 on Indirect Commands, the following text is provided:

USO 2 If you want to tell someone that a specific person (ex. Mario) should do something - that is, indirectly commanding a specified subject, use the following pattern: Que + [present subjunctive verb] + [subject] Note that the subject follows the verb.

Suppose you want 'Anita' to come in the room, or, you're a tired parent and want your children to cook dinner tonight. You'd say:

Que ella me llame. Have her call me.
Que entre Anita. Have Anita come in.
Que cocinen los niños. Have the children cook.

The second and third examples make sense and comport with the format: Que + present subjunctive verb + subject. But the first seems to put the subject (ella) in a different place. Is this because in this case ella is an object rather than a subject?


I'm not so good with the why (so my comment is not going to be very helpful unfortunately) but both of these sound right to me:
- Que ella me llame
- Que me llame ella



Thanks, Steven.

I did a little independent research, and found this link:

which seems to suggest that a subject is placed after the conjugated verb, as in:

Que entre María.

while a pronoun is placed  between Que and the verb:

Que ellos entren ahora.

Does this make sense to you?




Makes perfect sense, Dan. Good follow-up and very helpful. Thanks.
Phédre nó Delaunay de Montréve

Phédre nó Delaunay de Montréve

Yeah, that's a great link! Thanks for sharing. 


Dan, with the example ​Que ella me llame, ​"ella" is the subject not the object while  "me" is the object.  But enough of the nit-picky.  :)

​I followed your link and this example is given.  Que lo hagas tú.  ​So, at least from that website, it appears that a pronoun subject can be placed before or after the verb.

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