Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Jamás he jugado fútbol. leccion 7.6. i have seen this 'he' before, once maybe and ignored it, but now I need to know

Jamás he jugado fútbol. leccion 7.6. i have seen this 'he' before, once maybe and ignored it, but now I need to know



It's one those you haven't been told about but appear to make a sentence. SpansihDict for once failed me so now I need help. What the hell is is this 'he'?


It's a different tense / conjugation:
- He jugado - I have played
- Había jugado - I had played
- Jugué - I played



To expand a little on Esteban's comment, it is the Present Perfect tense. It uses the conjugated forms of the auxiliary verb haber (he, has, ha, hemos, han,) with the participle of the main verb (jugado.) It is covered way up in Lesson 18.6, which I happen to be studying right now. 

Also, there is a good video on the subject here:


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