Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar guía dice que las lagunas son visitadas por flamencos. guía dice que las lagunas son visitadas por flamencos.



...and the guidebook says that the lagoons are visited by flamingos.

I wonder sometimes if I'm ever going to get this ser/estar thing straight. It would seem to me that this is a temporary / transitory condition which would lead me to use "estar". Is it considered a characteristic of the lagoons that it's visited by these birds?


Hola Steven,
I think it's characteristic. Aquí los veranos "son"  calurosos y largos. My take, perhaps Liss will  clarify.



¡Hola Steven-W15 y ricardo-rich!

Indeed, ser is used here because the sentence is implying that these lagoons aren't being visited by flamingos just at the moment - instead, they're regularly or always visited by flamingos. So you're right to say it's describing a set characteristic.

The ser vs. estar matter is a very tricky one to get your head around, but I promise, it does get easier and start to seem more natural over time! :)

¡Hasta la próxima!



Thanks for confirming, Liss! Nice to see you here in the forum again, Ricardo! Saludos!

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