Luego de colgarla, el cumpleañero tiene que destrozarla vendado, pegándole con un palo. Lesson 17.2
Why isn't it pegándola?
November 1, 2020
Luego de colgarla, el cumpleañero tiene que destrozarla vendado, pegándole con un palo. Lesson 17.2
Why isn't it pegándola?
November 2, 2020
¡Hola TravisB13!
Thank you for your question!
Pegar can seem like a bit of a strange verb because when you're using it to mean “to hit,” the person or thing that you are hitting is an indirect object, not a direct object - so, pegándole and not pegándola.
A way that you can remember this is by considering the fact that pegar can also be translated as “to give,” as in “to give (some kind of blow) to something / someone.” This can be seen more clearly when you're being specific about the kind of hitting; for example, pegar una patada “to kick” literally means “to give a kick.” So when you kick someone, you are giving a kick to that person (i.e. the person being kicked is an indirect object).
I hope that this is helpful! Do let me know if you have any more questions.