When discussing the use of faltar, there is this example and explanation, "In another example, “Me falta dinero para comprar la leche” (I don’t have enough money to buy the milk), the verb falta will reflect the singular la leche." Isn't "la leche" the object of comprar? What I lack is money - dinero - which is singular and requires the singular "falta"?
Language & Culture lesson 6.7 - Faltar

September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014
Hi Ray.
- "Me falta dinero". This could stand on its on. "dinero" is singular, so is falta.
- "la leche" is the direct object of comprar.
Your observations are correct (except I would not say that "leche" is connected to the verb "faltar" here). Could you restate your question?

September 18, 2014
The explanation says, "...the verb falta will reflect the singular la leche." My observation was that "leche" was not connected to the verb "faltar" and that the explanation in the example was incorrect.

September 18, 2014
I agree with Ray that "dinero" is the object of "Me falta". The rest of the sentence "para comprar la leche" modifies the verb by providing a reason. So it looks like the explanation in the text (lesson 6.7) needs rewriting.

September 18, 2014
I agree with Robert. If the explanation said, "the verb falta will reflect the singular dinero" would seem to be correct. They way it is written does seem in error. Ray, you should send it in and see what they say.

Ava Dawn
September 23, 2014
Tell us when you get an answer from RS. I have reported several and they always give a good explanation.