Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Le escondieron el auto, para que piense que se lo robaron.

Le escondieron el auto, para que piense que se lo robaron.



You guys hid his car so that he'd think it had been stolen.

Shouldn't the verb "pensar" be in the imperfect subjunctive "pensara" here?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I think we need Marie for this one. I spent an hour listening to Professor Jason yesterday about subjunctives. Ok there's three verbs here, escondieron (preterite or past imperfect third person plural), then piense (third person singular imperative or first person subjunctive) and then robaron ( this looks like third person plural present indicative. I just realize that verbs and their different forms of conjugation, still struggling. Anyway, this is a good way to show how much more I need to learn the grammar. I am still in very simple sentence construction.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

I agree with Steven, if you're translating from English to Spanish, then the verb would be "pensara". Now, if you find the sentence in Spanish, it is also correct, but its translation in English would be: "You guys hid his car so that he thinks it has been stolen.

Hope it helps! :)


Perfect. Just what I thought. Thanks again, Marie.

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