Learn Spanish Like Crazy



*I've seen a few references here to another course, LSLC. Is this program associated with RS? Is it a continuation of the RS course, or is it something that students use at the same time?* :?:


Hello Hombre. Learn Spanish Like Crazy is a Spanish learning product created by another company and is not part of the Rocket Spanish course. Mauricio.


Hola Hombre. As Mauricio has said, *Learning Spanish Like Crazy* is a totally separate course by a different company. Frankly, I think *Rocket Spanish* offers a better _introduction_ to Spanish. Indeed, it's the best introduction I know. Amy and Mauricio speak slowly, and they explain what you hear, so that you really understand it. Moreover, the supplementary materials they provide--the .pdf files containing the Conversation Course, the Beginners and Advanced manuals, etc., are magnificent! However, I also think _very_ highly of Learning Spanish Like Crazy. It's a wonderful follow-up to Rocket Spanish. Once you've completed Rocket Spanish, LSLC is the program I'd recommend as a next step. But I don't think I'd do them together, nor would I recommend starting with LSLC and then moving on to Rocket Spanish. That's what I did, and as a result, I found the audio portion of Rocket Spanish too easy. Still, I was/am very impressed by the quality of the Rocket Spanish lessons and all the supplementary materials, some of which I'm still using with pleasure. Learning Spanish Like Crazy offers more than 30 lessons. Each is about a half hour long. You'll find that the people speak much more rapidly than on the Rocket Spanish lessons. Also, because the lessons are much longer, they cover more and in more depth. Like Rocket Spanish, the emphasis is on Latin American Spanish. You'll hear a variety of Latin American accents; this puzzled me at first, but I eventually found it quite useful. Each of the lessons has an accompanying .pdf file that provides a transcript of the entire lesson. There are also some brief supplementary grammar lessons. One other program you may hear about is Pimsleur. Whereas Rocket Spanish and LSLC have fairly modestly priced download versions, Pimsleur is _muy_ costoso (though some public libraries have copies available for borrowing--that's what I'm doing). People speak very highly of Pimsleur, and I agree that it's a good program. However, it doesn't provide any written transcript of what you're hearing on the CDs--a real drawback, in my opinion. Also, the Spanish that you'll hear tends to be a bit more formal than what you'll hear on Rocket Spanish or LSLC. There's more use of Usted rather than tú, for example, though from time to time they do use tú. If money is a problem and you're able to get Pimsleur II from your local library, that might be a reasonable follow-up to Rocket Spanish, but I'd more enthusiastically recommend that the follow-up be LSLC, which you can find at *__http://www.learningspanishlikecrazy.com/__.* As I think you already know, like Rocket Spanish, LSLC has a helpful web forum (at *__http://learningspanishlikecrazy.com/forum/__*). However, the Rocket Spanish forum has the advantage of immensely useful contributions from Amy and Mauricio. I hope you find some of the above helpful.


Thanks for the great answer. This forum is lucky to have a knowledgeable source such as yourself who is willing to help us beginners along. I think the Rocket Spanish is the best program for beginners like myself. I belong to Audiobook.com and get 2 books/month for $19.99. I saw all three Pimsleur modules, which costs 3 book credits (all 3 for $30!), and I got all three and put in my Ipod, which I play in my car on the way to work. I'm almost to the end of the 1st module (each of them is about 14 hrs!). As you say, there's no written material, so when I get to work I quickly look up the words so I can see what they look like. I use RS as my primary learning source, and the Pimsleur as a secondary, but fertile source. From what you have said, I plan to get the LSLC after I complete the RS course. *gracias otra vez*


Wow, Hombre. You got quite a bargain from Audiobook.com! I looked on the Amazon.com web site, and Amazon is discounting Pimsleur Comprehensive II and III for $217.50 and $241.50 (the list price is $345 each). They didn't seem to have a similar version of Pimsleur I, but I think it sells for a similarly absurd price. Since you say that each of the levels you've got has ~14 hours of lessons, it sounds as if you have the full Comprehensive series--for $30 rather than for the list price of over $1000. Felicitaciones!! :D I think your plan to do LSLC after you finish Pimsleur makes good sense. I'll have a better idea of whether that's true after I finish Pimsleur; right now, I've just started listening to Pimsleur III. But even III is not as challenging for me as LSLC, primarily because the speakers on LSLC speak more quickly, especially in the opening dialogues. By the time you finish Pimsleur III, Level II of LSLC will probably be available (ojalá :) ). That might be an alternative for you. Again, I'll know more after I've finished Pimsleur III. Anyway, ¡Buena suerte!


Both Rocket Spanish and LSLC very fine items, the only two audio courses that have impressed me. They are different, however I see no reason to compare them in terms of quality, both are very good. I recommend getting both. As with good computer books to a programmer, if you really read it all, the value you got so supasses what you paid for the book to render that insignificant. As a programmer I generally get more than one book on any one particular subject. While one author may be great, it just helps to get things from another angle. Both LSLC and Rocket Spanish to be head and shoulders above anything else that I have tried out. I don't see what is great about Pimsler, that seems to me to follow traditional methods of teaching language, as in schools, which are marginally effective. Look at the 10's of millions of Liberal Arts graduates that can't speak more than a few phrases of the language they took if you want evidence to substantiate that. They tend to concentrate too much on what is not critical to your immediate objective, which is to reach reasonable comprehension ASAP. The traditional less-effective systems feel compelled to give you too much detail before it is necessary. Rocket Spanish and LSLC provide a more natural method, or as a child learns. At a certain point anything with vocabulary is good to listen to. However to get to that point, I don't think Pimsler compares with the above two products. It was perhaps the least awful product I tried prior to discovering the above two though, if that is a recommendation. I do think it is important to keep reviewing what you have learned, really on a daily basis. Rocket Spanish provides you with the conversations which the lessons are based on in small mp3's. That is nice. LSLC also has such conversations, however you have to clip them out yourself. No big deal, easy to do. I just keep the running string of what I have covered on my mp3 player and listen to them every day. I am planning to complete LSLC and Rocket Spanish by Christmas. After that I figure I will just start watching the Spanish channel to get real comfortable with conversational Spanish.


[quo]*Quote from * nohablo As I think you already know, like Rocket Spanish, LSLC has a helpful web forum (at *__http://learningspanishlikecrazy.com/forum/__*). However, the Rocket Spanish forum has the advantage of immensely useful contributions from Amy and Mauricio. [/quo] Let me start off by saying, thank you Hombre for posting this topic. LSLC does have a helpful forum. That's why I am now a member. HOWEVER, the Rocket Spanish forum...yes, it has the advantage. :wink: @ Amy and Mauricio.


Hi, I don't want to promote another program on Mauricio's site, but I do have a question. I've seen the Visual Link Spanish program and it looks interesting. I did the demo and it looks like a cool follow up for RS. However, it is $135 NOT including the verb module which is another $60. I've written to the company to see if I could negotiate a better "deal" for myself. I'm buying myself a follow up program to RS for Christmas and am undecided between Visual Link and Learn Spanish Like Crazy. LSLC is a GREAT deal. The thing is that I'm not an auditory learner too much. I learn by seeing, reading, and interacting like in Rocket Spanish. I don't want to waste my money and get Visual Link if it's going to mostly repeat what I've learned in RS. I just like the way they do the sentence building and thought that the different learning technique might be helpful in addition to RS. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? It's okay to be brutally honest w/ me. If you've used Visual Link and think it sucks, PLEASE, do tell me that. Also, let me see if I understand about the LSLC course.. it's all audio conversation but it DOES come w/ transcripts, correct? So, I can listen w/o the transcript and see what I know, and then go back and listen again w/ the English transcript, is that correct? I really like Mauricio and I think RS is incredibly well priced. In fact, I think Mauricio actually has the program under-priced, but that's just my opinion. : ) Esoterica/Dawn http://www.candletech.com http://www.mtacc.net P.S I've done some comparing, thinking, and obsessing over this thing, lol. In looking further into the Visual Link course, I think it's a beginning course and not that intensive for the price. Mauricio has spoiled me in regard to bang for your buck. Now, I think LSLC is a good deal at $97, BUT it irritates me that the Level 2 is SO MUCH more expensive at $250. So, to get their entire program is $350 and that is just too much, in my opinion. I think I'm going to wait for Mauricio to come out w/ audios for his Advanced module and save my money for that. Now, I'm not knocking the LSCL for $97, but I'm a weird person in that it will "bug" me that I have only half of a program and not the whole thing.


[quo]*Quote from * Esoterica Also, let me see if I understand about the LSLC course.. it's all audio conversation but it DOES come w/ transcripts, correct? So, I can listen w/o the transcript and see what I know, and then go back and listen again w/ the English transcript, is that correct? [/quo] Hi, Dawn. I haven't used Visual Link, so I can't comment on that. However, I have used LSLC. You're right: it comes with full transcripts, so you can consult them as you wish/need. [quo]*Quote:* Now, I think LSLC is a good deal at $97, BUT it irritates me that the Level 2 is SO MUCH more expensive at $250. So, to get their entire program is $350 and that is just too much, in my opinion. I think I'm going to wait for Mauricio to come out w/ audios for his Advanced module and save my money for that. Now, I'm not knocking the LSCL for $97, but I'm a weird person in that it will "bug" me that I have only half of a program and not the whole thing.[/quo] I think it would make good sense for you to get LSLC Level 1 for $97. That will probably keep you busy for quite a while :D . By then, the download version of Level 2 is likely to be available, and so you can get it then for much less than the current price for the version on CD. I don't know what the price will be, but I assume it will be comparable to the price for the Level 1 download. (I have no idea when the Advanced version of Rocket Spanish will be available. If it's available by the time you finish LSLC 1, that would give you a second option.) Let me also say that I've used both Pimsleur and LSLC. Level 1 of LSLC covers more (and does a better job, IMHO) than all four versions of Pimsleur (I, II, III, and Plus). So I don't think you should feel you have only half a program, any more than you feel you have half a program with Rocket Spanish.


[quo]*Quote from * nohablo [quo]*Quote from * Esoterica Also, let me see if I understand about the LSLC course.. it's all audio conversation but it DOES come w/ transcripts, correct? So, I can listen w/o the transcript and see what I know, and then go back and listen again w/ the English transcript, is that correct? [/quo] Hi, Dawn. I haven't used Visual Link, so I can't comment on that. However, I have used LSLC. You're right: it comes with full transcripts, so you can consult them as you wish/need. [quo]*Quote:* Now, I think LSLC is a good deal at $97, BUT it irritates me that the Level 2 is SO MUCH more expensive at $250. So, to get their entire program is $350 and that is just too much, in my opinion. I think I'm going to wait for Mauricio to come out w/ audios for his Advanced module and save my money for that. Now, I'm not knocking the LSCL for $97, but I'm a weird person in that it will "bug" me that I have only half of a program and not the whole thing.[/quo] I think it would make good sense for you to get LSLC Level 1 for $97. That will probably keep you busy for quite a while :D . By then, the download version of Level 2 is likely to be available, and so you can get it then for much less than the current price for the version on CD. I don't know what the price will be, but I assume it will be comparable to the price for the Level 1 download. (I have no idea when the Advanced version of Rocket Spanish will be available. If it's available by the time you finish LSLC 1, that would give you a second option.) Let me also say that I've used both Pimsleur and LSLC. Level 1 of LSLC covers more (and does a better job, IMHO) than all four versions of Pimsleur (I, II, III, and Plus). So I don't think you should feel you have only half a program, any more than you feel you have half a program with Rocket Spanish.[/quo] Hrmpf! That thinking is totally rational and logically driven devoid of all emotional issues behind it. You MUST be a male : ) Lol. Actually, thank you! You've made good sense and helped me to process through my dilemma. I'm neurotic about some things and I hate buying "part" of something knowing another "part" is available and I don't have it. It's a weird thing, I know : ) Okay, I'm going to buy LSLC and hope they come out w/ a reasonable download version eventually. I've decided that Visual Link is very elementary and wouldn't help me "build" on what I know but would just sort of "review" it and that's not worth $200 to me. Again thanks!! You rational logical minded male you : )


I agree 100% with nohablo, LSLC is well worth it. I purchased Rocket Spanish and LSLC I. Rocket Spanish gave me a really strong foundation in terms of understanding the basic mechanics of the language. I thoroughly enjoyed the way they break the grammatical concepts down. If you're not in an environment where you're immersed in the new language, its very difficult to figure out grammar rules simply by listening - so Rocket Spanish's books are excellent. LSLC REALLY builds your listening comprehension and ability to pick apart what you're hearing because the speakers, especially starting around lesson 14 or so talk at pretty much normal speed. Like you, I considered myself more of a visual learner and was intimidated by the more auditory approach of LSLC. But the reality is, unless your goal is learning Spanish for the purpose of reading books and reading the subtitiles of Spanish language movies - the only way to improve your ability to understand what people are saying to you and understand what the characters in the movie/on TV are saying is training the ears - which doesn't come from looking at a book. If you're looking for something like Visual Link but much less expensive, look at Synergy Spanish (http://www.synergyspanish.com/?hop=cview). It's great for learning how to construct your own sentences based on knowing power verbs (like quiero, me gusta, necesito), brick verbs (comer, tomar), and etc. I actually bought this prior to buying Rocket Spanish. With it, I was able to express a lot of my thoughts in Spanish in a clear way that surprised a lot of people who knew that I had just started studying. It doesn't break down grammar like Rocket Spanish, nor train you to listen and understand like LSLC, but definitely a good investment for the price.


[quo]*Quote from * taalibeen I agree 100% with nohablo, LSLC is well worth it. I purchased Rocket Spanish and LSLC I. Rocket Spanish gave me a really strong foundation in terms of understanding the basic mechanics of the language. I thoroughly enjoyed the way they break the grammatical concepts down. If you're not in an environment where you're immersed in the new language, its very difficult to figure out grammar rules simply by listening - so Rocket Spanish's books are excellent. LSLC REALLY builds your listening comprehension and ability to pick apart what you're hearing because the speakers, especially starting around lesson 14 or so talk at pretty much normal speed. Like you, I considered myself more of a visual learner and was intimidated by the more auditory approach of LSLC. But the reality is, unless your goal is learning Spanish for the purpose of reading books and reading the subtitiles of Spanish language movies - the only way to improve your ability to understand what people are saying to you and understand what the characters in the movie/on TV are saying is training the ears - which doesn't come from looking at a book. If you're looking for something like Visual Link but much less expensive, look at Synergy Spanish (http://www.synergyspanish.com/?hop=cview). It's great for learning how to construct your own sentences based on knowing power verbs (like quiero, me gusta, necesito), brick verbs (comer, tomar), and etc. I actually bought this prior to buying Rocket Spanish. With it, I was able to express a lot of my thoughts in Spanish in a clear way that surprised a lot of people who knew that I had just started studying. It doesn't break down grammar like Rocket Spanish, nor train you to listen and understand like LSLC, but definitely a good investment for the price.[/quo] Hi, Thank you very much for your recommendations. I feel more comfortable buying LSLC level one and waiting for level 3 to come out as a download. Believe it or not, I got Synergy Spanish the other day and I also have the AMIGO course, which I feel has an interesting approach (reading in English, pronouncing in Spanish) but was NOT worth $209..Luckily, I was able to negotiate w/ them on their pricing and I got a better deal than that. I think I "offended" the Synergy Spanish guy by accident. I wrote to him w/ the idea of creating a Spanish Profanity course. Come on, a LOT of people want to learn that stuff. Luckily, my husband is Cuban, so I learned that stuff first and can even conjugate relatively well when telling someone off : ) : ) : ) Esoterica


If I'm not wrong, Learning Spanish Like Crazy offers a bonus or something that teaches you insults, swear words and stuff.


[quo]*Quote from * Lenguas If I'm not wrong, Learning Spanish Like Crazy offers a bonus or something that teaches you insults, swear words and stuff.[/quo] True. I wonder if it's the really bad stuff though. : ) I seriously think there is a market out there for such a program : )


The vulgar stuff in LSLC is very vulgar!!


[quo]*Quote from * taalibeen The vulgar stuff in LSLC is very vulgar!![/quo] GREAT, lol!!! I don't blush easily.


what all bonus lessons are included with the LSLC Nivel Uno and how long are they on average? what do all the FSI lessons teach you and what does the Fast Course cover? Would you recommend it, why or why not? Any replies would be lovely! nohablo: you seem to know a lot about the LSLC program and i seen you answer some questions on their message board. what do you think of LSLC? CHEERS :D


Get LSLC I got both levels prior to Rocket Spanish II coming out. I thought LSLC was a good place to go after completing Rocket Spanish. That being said, I can't speak on Rocket Spanish II because I don't have it. I think that after going through Synergy Spanish, Shortcut to Spanish, Rocket Spanish, LSLC I, and now II (plus watching Destinos and just talking to people), I'm not sure I need another program. Rocket Spanish II may provide you a more consistent feel and flow if you've gone through RS I.


I've been doing LSLC 1 and Rocket Spanish 1 at the same time, along with bits of SpanishPod and Destinos and other things thrown in to keep it interesting and fresh. I even have My Spanish Coach for my Nintendo DS as an additional toy. This approach seems to be working for me... I get a well-rounded Spanish-learning experience that doesn't get stagnant. This approach may not work for everyone, but it's getting the job done for me. I dabble now and then in the FSI Fast Course, and will do LSLC 2 (and 3 when it's released) Rocket Spanish 2, and the FSI courses when I complete the levels I'm working on now. I'm strongly considering getting the coursebooks for Destinos as well.


[quo]*Quote from * Oli0084 nohablo: you seem to know a lot about the LSLC program and i seen you answer some questions on their message board. what do you think of LSLC? [/quo] Sorry, I somehow missed this question when it was posted. I love LSLC!! I think if you've done Rocket Spanish I, or even Rocket Spanish 1 and 2, you'll find LSLC 1 and 2 your best next step. It's challenging and interesting, and it covers a LOT that you need to know. To be honest, I came to Rocket Spanish after I had done LSLC 1, and I found Rocket Spanish too easy. When I recommend courses, I suggest that people start with Rocket Spanish and then move to LSLC. I knew almost NO Spanish before I went through LSLC 1. I found it really hard, but I learned an immense amount. After I had completed LSLC 1, I went through Pimsleur 2, 3, and Plus (borrowed from the public library). Pimsleur was a huge disappointment. I found LSLC 1 more challenging and more fun than Pimsleur. So yes, by all means, do Rocket Spanish and then move on to LSLC 1 and 2.


Yes, I purchased LSLC in February and am currently on lesson 30. I have nothing but good to say about LSLC. I to believe that LSLC is great to use after completing Rocket Spanish. I will be starting 7.2 in the Rocket Spanish course tonight. If anyone has completed LSLC 1&2, which one did you like better? Which one did you feel like you gained more from?

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