Learning ENGLISH Online



Some of my Spanish-speaking penpals want to know of sites to learn English. A friend in Argentina sent me this link. It looks pretty good for teaching English to Spanish speakers. Here is the link: __http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/__ Another useful site to learn English is http://www.learner.org/resources/series71.html There is a good review of English grammar at: __http://www.englishpage.com/__ Understanding English grammar is helpful for learning the Spanish equivalents. Also, when I chat with Spanish speakers they invariably have questions about English grammar, which at times I'm embarrassed not to be able to answer without consulting a reference. Tony


As my Spanish professor is teaching tenses in Spanish we are at the same time learning what the tenses are in English (none of us knew there are more than 3 tenses) haha. That was when I realized that not only was my Spanish professor obviously an excellent Spanish instructor (also her native language) she had a better mastery of English than I. I had no idea what a subjunctive or conditional tense was:(


I love english!


OK... I like English b/c its my native tongue and i have a question why u posted this?


English is one of my favorite subjects. Spanish is a very much modern and advanced language. If you feel the Spanish culture you have to learn Spanish. There is more and more Spanish language institutes that is very much effective for this purpose. If you have any query about Spanish language please feel free touch with us: http:// www.ihspain.com/


English (although a Germanic language) contains many words with latin roots. Thus I have found myself with a richer understanding of many "English words" by studying the Spanish language.


Grammar for your native language is often instinctual. You learn it when you are young and are aware of the rules subconsciously, even if you cannot explain them to another person. Foreign languages are different because the rules must be learnt. I can speak two languages fluently (not counting the two languages I have signed up for via Rocket Languages). I learnt both languages when I was young (i.e. learnt them concurrently). One of the languages (English) was the primary language I spoke at home and in school. I think in English and don't think of rules when I speak it. The second language is slightly harder for me. I can speak it fluently since I grew up speaking it as well (parents made it a point to sometimes speak it at home). However, even though I am fluent at this second language, I still cannot speak it effortlessly. Often I have to think for a second to come up with the right word or to phrase something correctly. Simply put, our native languages (language we primarily speak as a kid) are the ones we will always be best at. Knowing the rules for this native language is less important because we intuitively understand them. I am trying to learn Spanish as a third language now and sometimes find the rules hard to keep straight. With practice, however, I hope to one day be fluent in Spanish as well. Unfortunately, I don't know of any good English learning sites. I know Rosetta Stone has a "Learn English" software, but not sure if they have one for Spanish to English. Good luck finding something like Rocket Languages for your friends.


Rosetta Stone has software to teach English but keep in mind that Rosetta Stone teaches with pictures and provides no translation to any of the material that appears in its lessons.

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