Learning Verb Forms



Hello Liss,

I am very new to Rocket Spanish and relatively new to learning Spanish. I am enjoying the process so far but I am super confused about the various ways to say “I + am/will/was/can/have” etc. Yo, Soy, Estoy, Puedo, voy, habria :) And I understand that ‘I’ is Yo for the most part. It's the Auxiliary verb that is changing and therefore the different words in Spanish, but I am quite confused. 

Is there a way to remember these variations?




¡Hola DD9954!

(I've split your question out into a new thread, just so that other people with the same question can find it more easily.) 

It sounds like you're having trouble memorizing how verbs conjugate - that is, how they change their forms to work with different subjects, like yo “I,” “you,” etc. We have a number of Language & Culture lessons that are actually devoted to just that: helping you memorize each of the different forms that verbs take. You can jump from lesson to lesson if you like, learning all of the verbs that you have the most interest in, or you can take them in order as you go through the Language & Culture lessons. 

Here is a list of conjugation-based lessons in Level 1:

Lesson 1.12 "To Be" Part 1: The Verb SER
Lesson 2.8 Action in the Present Tense 
Lesson 2.9 “To Go”: The Verb IR
Lesson 3.6 “To Be” Part 2: The Verb ESTAR
Lesson 4.6 When Something Is Happening
Lesson 6.4 Irregular Verbs: VENIR and TENER
Lesson 6.5 Stem-Changing Verbs in the Present
Lesson 6.6 Irregular Verbs in the YO Form
Lesson 6.7 "To Say" and "To Give": DECIR and DAR
Lesson 6.8 Did You Know? SABER and CONOCER

These Level 1 lessons mostly concentrate on teaching you how to use verbs in the present tenses. This is because when you're learning a new language, it's easiest to take things one tense at a time - this stops you from getting your verb endings mixed up! The other, more advanced tenses (including the past tenses and how to say the Spanish equivalent of “will”) are covered in Level 2 and Level 3.

I hope that this answers your question! If anything is still unclear or if you have any other questions, do let me know!



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