i have learned most of the present tense verbs, but i find the rest - like past and future - a lot more confusing. Does anyone know of an easy way to learn these?
learning verbs tenses

July 18, 2012

July 28, 2012
Hola Lance,
I use "The Verbarrator" which you can buy on line. It is a great application and allows you to choose whatever tenses you want to study by verb type and many other options. Just Google Verbarrator. I think you can try it for free before you commit. (Yes, the spelling is correct)

December 20, 2012
Shan, I too have the Verbarrator and I find it very useful for learning the different tenses.

December 20, 2012
k! i'll check it out!!

December 30, 2012
Another vote for the Verbarrator!

January 8, 2013
I have a spanish verbs work book which i find very helpful, its called
Spanish Verb Tenses
by Dorothy Richmond

January 28, 2013
I think Spanish language is very much effective in this modern era. To feel the Spanish culture language is very much important. For the betterment of your Spanish language learn different online Spanish site.