Lesson 10.8 Action Replay





I was looking at the Action Replay, and this is what it has:


  • - Each verb below implies different things in el imperfecto and el pretérito:
    • * conocer "to know / to meet (someone)" OR "to know / to discover (some place)"
    • * saber "to know (something) / to find out"
    • * poder "to have the ability to / to manage to"
    • * no poder "to not have the ability to / to fail"
    • * querer "to want / to try"
    • * no querer "to not want / to refuse"
    • * tener "to have / to receive"
  • - These verbs usually keep their presente meaning in el imperfect.
  • - These verbs take on new implications in el pretérito.
    • * El pretérito indicates completed, concrete actions.
    • * El pretérito often implies that the actions were successful or unsuccessful.
    • --------
  • Under the “These verbs usually keep…” There are no verbs listed. 
  • And the same for the “These verbs take on new implications….”. Instead, it has two statements. I'm trying to discern if this is on purpose or a mistake. I lean toward it's on purpose and I need to go back through the lesson (which I plan on doing), but I thought I'd ask here just the same.


Thanks, David.



It is confusing but I believe in the first part you asked about, they are saying in the preterite the verbs listed change their meaning but in the imperfect they keep the same meaning as the present meaning.


The implications section is just summing up what these verbs (the ones that change in the preterite) represent. Completed actions and implies success or failure of that completed action.


I hope that helps!



Yes it does help. After reading your comment…and them reading what the Action Replay had, it made more sense. I guess when the Replay had “These verbs…” I expected some verbs to follow. Now I see the “These” was referring to the previously listed verbs. 




Peace, David. 



¡Hola DavidM206 y Scott_C!


Thanks for pointing out that the wording in this Action Replay was confusing! I'll ask the Spanish team if they can clear it up so that it doesn't present any problems for other learners as well. 





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