Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Mañana no se si podre que estás jugando

Mañana no se si podre que estás jugando



This is from "Te Amo" de Franco de Vita. We discussed this song in the forum awhile back but I don't think this phrase. For the life of me I can't seem to get what it means. To note there may be accents missing - words to songs on the web can be notorious for these omissions.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi Steven!

"Mañana no sé si podré" is a line from Franco de Vita's sweetheart. "I don't know if I'll be able (to see you) tomorrow". And to that reply he says, "¿qué estás jugando?, sort of like "what are you playing at?"and then he says "I die if I don't see you again..." So, yes, it can be tricky since he's the one doing the talking on the song... Can you imagine being told the love of your life might not be able to see you the day after you just told the person you love them?? It could be confusing hehehe

I hope this helps you!!


Greatly, Marie. Now it makes perfect sense. Many thanks.

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