Would one of you please explain the "se" in this sentence?
Me alegra que se te ocurriera la idea.

May 15, 2018
Would one of you please explain the "se" in this sentence?

May 15, 2018
Dan? Jeff? Ricardo?
Speaking of which, did the Real Academia Española ever follow-up on our complaint that there were too many of these things in the Spanish language?

May 15, 2018
I had a hunch this might be reflexive, actually it's pronominal. I searched, which doesn't qualify me as a smart person, but this link should help.

May 15, 2018

May 16, 2018
Ricardo gave a terrific explanation for those in the half where I wasn’t. So for those of you who were with me at the back…
I had to deal with these in learning French where there are likewise a lot of subtleties in using “se” (many of which I still don’t get). I concentrate on those where the meaning changes significantly with its inclusion: eso no se hace, se habla español aquí, … and those where its exclusion is flat out false (me acuerdo de).
I thought “ocurrir” required the “se” but there are examples where it’s not included and the difference is not at all obvious to me either. So for these and things like it (por/para, ser/estar, …), I just try to assimilate examples over time.

May 17, 2018
definitions from my Larousse dictionary follow:
ocurrir - to happen (suceder, acontecer)
ocurrirse - to come mind (venir a la mente un pensamiento, una idea)
So to answer the original question, the se changes the meaning of the sentence and perhaps in this case even making the sentence awkward or of no real meaning.
Me alegra que se te ocurriera la idea. -- It makes me happy that the idea came to you (you had the idea or thought of the idea).
Me alegra que
It's always important to remember that at times, the reflexive form changes the meaning of the verb, though not always. I followed the links that Ricardo gave and the definitions given for ocurrir and ocurrirse show the same differences that my dictionary gave. At one time I had a list of common verbs that changed their meaning by using the reflexive. I ought to search for it to review it again.

May 17, 2018
I'm about 70% through the Travelogue, and while I'm definitely learning stuff, I sometimes feel out of my depth.
Having been out of school for many years, my lessons in diagramming sentences, and the different components of language, are not things that have stuck with me. I've had to (and continue to) relearn some of the basic rules of English to understand what I'm trying to learn in Spanish.

May 17, 2018
I too was out of school for many years ,close to 50, when I started Rocket. I bought a book titled English Grammar for Students of Spanish by Emily Spinelli and I found it very helpful.

May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018
"Ciertamente es un continente de extremos, y esa no es mi culpa."
Why do they use "esa" here?

May 23, 2018
- Esa es la razón que no es mi culpa.
o mejor dicho:
- Esa es la razón por la que no es mi culpa.

June 25, 2018
Every now and then, I come across a sentence where I'm not certain if they are using the imperative or the subjunctive.

June 25, 2018
- No use el sauna
- Que no use el sauna
With the tú form it's a bit more straightforward which is which.
btw, I suggest putting new questions like this one in a different thread - that way it will make it easier for others to find and profit from your question.

June 25, 2018
I'm vaguely remembering a lesson now that talked about "que" and how it can trigger the subjunctive?
Time to go back and review. =)
I really appreciate your answers.

June 26, 2018
El subjuntivo se vuelve realmente interesante cuando el contexto permites usarlo o no pero cambia la significación de la frase con su uso. Cuando lleguemos a usarlo correctamente así, sabremos que somos realmente bilingües.

June 29, 2018
I wonder why they don't use the subjunctive here for embarcar?

June 29, 2018
- Si te embarcaras en dicha empresa, te prometo que iría contigo y te ayudaría.
- If you were to embark on such an Enterprise...
Me acuerdo de esta construcción gramática (que es bastante común por cierto) de una canción de Shakira (Tú):
Si algún día decidieras alejarte nuevamente de aquí, cerraría cada puerta para que nunca pudieras salir.

June 30, 2018
¡No pagues por ese emparedado!
These are sentences from a "subjunctive" module on Duolingo.
Same question, really, except I would guess these as negative imperatives, but they are included in the subjunctive module.

June 30, 2018

June 30, 2018

July 17, 2018
Is there a fast rule of when to use de vs. del? I know that del is a contraction of de and el, but I sure see it used a lot in places that I wouldn't expect an article.

July 17, 2018
There is however, one exception. (maybe more, but I don't remember). That would be if the el is part of a proper name. The one that comes to El Salvador.
El es de El Salvador. This never can be done with the contraction form.
As far as being the fountain of knowledge, my wife would probably disagree. lol

September 7, 2018
Is the "le" required in this sentence?

September 7, 2018