No me importa. Lo más importante es ver a los amigos ¡Me voy a celebrar el cumpleaños de Mario!
Can someone comment on "me" on "me importa". Also the "Lo" in "Lo mas importante", and the "Me" in "Me voy a celebrar. I noticed that my vocabulary is getting so much better and wanting to learn this ancillary words that seems to be so important in a sentence. I was just memorizing them but not remembering.
Me and Lo

Ava Dawn
September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014
I think "me importa" is a reflexive phrase:
Me importa
(to) me it is important.
I think "lo" in Lo más importante is a direct object pronoun:
It is most important.
Notice I said "think" both times. If I am wrong I hope that I am corrected. I'm not quite sure what "me" does in Me voy a celebrar. Me can be a direct, indirect, or reflexive pronoun.

September 2, 2014
Hola, amigos,
The "me" with importa is an indirect object pronoun. Dan is right about the"lo", it is a direct object pronoun. I knew the" me" was an indirect object pronoun and the expression is quite familiar but I couldn't really explain the usage. It turns out that importa is being used like "gusta" me importa, te importa etc. Here is a link regarding voy and me voy and if you search the forum there are other discussions about this.

Ava Dawn
September 3, 2014
I copied the link that Ricardo gave. I was so excited that the answer was from Amy Waterman.
Voy a la tienda is correct if you want to say, "I'm going to the store." Use ir to talk about movement in a direction or when you have a destination.
Use "me voy" when you're talking about leaving or going away. For example...
_We're going, bye! _ ¡Nos vamos, chao!
_I'm tired, I'm going. _ Estoy cansada, me voy........Amy Waterman 2006
I guess I can add "Me voy a celebrar", "Me voy a bailar", Me voy a cantar", "Me voy a estudiar". "Me voy a comer or beber or any verb I guess.....Aurora 2014