Me e hecho igual



In a TV series, a girl cuts off a branch and says this phrase to the plant (I'm pretty sure that's what she said). I don't have a handle on what this means. Any ideas?

Some other useful expressions I've come across (the translations might be off):
y nos encontramos justo en medio - and here we are right in the middle of it
ya era hora - it's about time!
no veo la hora - I can't wait...
el punto de partida - the point of departure (el punto de partido is match point)


Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

This type of questions or comments need a "Spanish tutor like Marie" to discuss the details.



Indeed. I could be getting the initial phrase wrong - I'm only getting it from what I'm hearing. I did come across "Me e hecho igual" on the internet but the meaning didn't seem to work for me.





I am quite sure the phrase sould be "Me he hecho igual" It is a little bit difficult to explain, but I will try to do my best.

It could mean "I have done (to myself) the same"...but , a better way to say this could be " Me he hecho lo mismo" instead of 'igual'

Another meaning could be "I have turned the same way" or more precisely "I have made myself the same (way)" or something similar.  

I would like to see it within the context. What I am sure is that is not "e" but "he" from the verb "haber" , on the other hand we use "e" in substitution to 'y' (and) when the next word starts with "i" or "y" , for example "Pedro y Juan" versus "Pedro e Ignacio"





I think "Me he hecho igual" must be what was said as "I have done (to myself) the same" fits the context. To note that it's a TV series that's been translated into Spanish (which is much easier to follow than a program originally in Spanish!). Any time a film is translated, the way something is said may be slightly compromised for better synching lips with the person speaking.



Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I love this. Just between Christian and Steven, I am learning a lot. Thanks.

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