Me gustaría



I was wondering why "me gustaría" has an accent on the second last syllable. I thought you generally already put emphasis on the second last syallable?


Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

The accent is right where its supposed to be, I think. Plus, it sounds better. I tried pronouncing the word putting the accent on different places and it sounds good where its at.


Hola a todos, If the accent was not there it would be pronounced gust"ah"ria as opposed to gustar"eeya" with the emphasis on "í" in the last syllable. Here is a link regarding this. Saludos, Ricardo


In "me gustaría", gustaría is a three syllable word, as in gust-sta-ría. Without the accent, the second syllable is emphasized. I think the original poster thought that "gustaría" was a four syllable word (gust-sta-rí-a).


Hola, Robert, you explained that far more clearly than I did. Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I thought the accent made it a four syllable word. I stand corrected.

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