Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Me gustaría que me hubieras ayudado.

Me gustaría que me hubieras ayudado.



Another one from Lesson 21.6. I think this should be:
- Me habría gustado que me hubieras ayudado.

I would've liked that you had helped me.


Google translate says "me gustaría que me hubieras ayudado" translates to "I wish you had helped me" while "me habría gustado que me hubieras ayudado" translates to "I would have liked that you had helped me".  More precisely, the first sentence translates to "it would be pleasing to me if you had helped me".

I see that lesson 21.6 gives "I would have liked that you had helped me" as the translation for the first sentence which is probably not totally correct.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi guys!

Native speaker or not, this topic makes your head spin a little hehehe... There are a lot of discussions about this, and you could actually hear a lot of Spanish speakers say "Me gustaría que me hubieras ayudado", but grammatically speaking, I don't think is completely correct; I think the combination is a compound conditional (habría gustado) plus pluperfect subjunctive (hubieras ayudado):
"Me habría gustado que me hubieras ayudado" sounds to me a more accurate translation; I'll also forward the feedback for review :) 



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