Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Mistake in lesson 3.2? "Estoy casada"

Mistake in lesson 3.2? "Estoy casada"



At the 17 minute mark of lesson 3.2 in the interactive program Amy says: "I'm tired - Estoy cansada. I'm married - Estoy casada." This is during the section when they are explaining the difference between _cansado(a)_ and _casado(a)_. In a different lesson they went to great lengths explaining it should be "Soy casada". Is this a mistake in 3.2?


Hi. The question of whether to use ser or estar with casado has been discussed a lot on the forum. The conclusion? Both are considered correct in some places, but in other places one verb is preferred to the other. For more detail than you probably want, take a look at these threads: __ __ __ I think it was Rocket Spanish's Amy Waterman who recommended the forums. They're fascinating and often very useful.


In the last month or two the site has been down most of the time. [quo]*Quote from * nohablo Hi. The question of whether to use ser or estar with casado has been discussed a lot on the forum. The conclusion? Both are considered correct in some places, but in other places one verb is preferred to the other. For more detail than you probably want, take a look at these threads: __ __ __ I think it was Rocket Spanish's Amy Waterman who recommended the forums. They're fascinating and often very useful.[/quo]


[quo]*Quote from * Lee Hunt In the last month or two the site has been down most of the time.[/quo] I've been away and haven't accessed it during February, but it's up now and was up yesterday as well.

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