Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Need help! Beginners Book Review 6.4 Excercise 1

Need help! Beginners Book Review 6.4 Excercise 1



Hi, I thought I had this but I guess not. For question 1: 1. A Eduardo Y Ramon les gusta comer las hamburguesas. ?Te gustan las hamburguesas? Why is the first sentence not "les gustan comer las hamburguesas" since hamburguesas is plura? Question 7 is also a bit confusing: 7 A Javier, Ramiro, Jorge Y yo nos gusta manejar los carros rapidamente. ?Te gusta manejar rapidamente? Thanks in advance for the help!


[quo]*Quote from * delaj 1. A Eduardo Y Ramon les gusta comer las hamburguesas. ?Te gustan las hamburguesas? Why is the first sentence not "les gustan comer las hamburguesas" since hamburguesas is plura? [/quo] In the first sentence, the subject is "comer las hamburguesas" -- i.e., it's eating that is pleasing, not the hamburgers. In the second sentence, it's the hamburgers themselves that are pleasing.

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